Serious RTL noob Question about LT.s

By fademasteriv, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I get the you can use some of your treachery to reinforce an encounter with a lieutenant, but where its says minions on his card, do you set those up with the Lt. in the encounter?


fademasteriv said:

I get the you can use some of your treachery to reinforce an encounter with a lieutenant, but where its says minions on his card, do you set those up with the Lt. in the encounter?


Yes- if the Lt. has minions listed on it's card, they are deployed at the start of the encounter. At the end of it's turn, the Lt. can pay to "Reinforce" only those minons listed on the card

If you have monster treachery, you can also play spawn cards. However, your spawns are placed outside the exit spaces on the board, just like they are reinforcements. You can't spawn behind trees or something and attack that same the map only. No reinforcement marker is used though, so it allows "reinforcing via spawns" every turn. As Beastman Lord with lots of (cheaper) spawn treachery, I try to get reinforcements dropped just about every turn to have the extra attacks or at least scare the heroes off a bit while I build up my forces.

Feanor said:

If you have monster treachery, you can also play spawn cards. However, your spawns are placed outside the exit spaces on the board, just like they are reinforcements.

Where did that come from ? I see no such thing in the rulebook or in the FAQ. It only says : "Cards in the Overlord's hand can be played normally." in the treachery section of the Lieutenant encounter chapter.

Aureliano said:

Feanor said:

If you have monster treachery, you can also play spawn cards. However, your spawns are placed outside the exit spaces on the board, just like they are reinforcements.

Where did that come from ? I see no such thing in the rulebook or in the FAQ. It only says : "Cards in the Overlord's hand can be played normally." in the treachery section of the Lieutenant encounter chapter.

From the Gathered List of Answered Questions (stickied at the top of this forum), which is a list of answers from the game designers.

Can spawned monsters in outdoor encounters be activated the same turn or are they treated as reinforcements?
They are treated as reinforcements in all respects. The normal limit of one spawn card per turn still applies. They do not get to move until the next turn

Oh, I see. Thank you very much.

I must ask, that list of answers state that leaping figures are damaged by aura, which triggers berzerk, when the most recent FAQ says that leaping figures are immune to Aura.

So which is it ?

For cases such as that when its not in or not clear in the rulebook follow the FAQ first and then go with the Gathered List of Answered Questions. Unfortunately, the forum software won't let us go in and edit that thread so it has some errors in it.

Can you Spawn AND Reinforce on the same turn? Or does a Reinforcement count as a spawn (or visa-versa)?


Aureliano said:

I must ask, that list of answers state that leaping figures are damaged by aura, which triggers berzerk, when the most recent FAQ says that leaping figures are immune to Aura.

So which is it ?

The FAQ was just recently updated and this change is one of the new things. Since the GLOUQ answer is older and "less official," I would say the FAQ wins. The GLOUQ is mostly just the fan community backing Kevin into a corner and demanding answers off the top of his head. The FAQ is thought over and (I would assume) playtested before rulings are added.

That said, I'd like to take a moment to thank Kevin for taking the time to respond to our mutinous cries of confusion. Most game developers at other companies aren't nearly as involvedon the forums as you FFG guys are, and we really appreciate it!