Edge of the Empire- Sasha and Mathus (New GM)

By Damack, in Game Masters

Hey everyone Damack here, I'm very new to this whole RPG game play, never done it before. I purchased the Edge of the Empire Beginner box about a week ago and we had our first game play about 2 nights ago. I think I'm hooked, so I just ordered the rule book, the GM set and a nice dice shaker set :)

I just downloaded the "Long arm of the Hutt" in-case we get to that point. WE are just getting ready to get on the Ship in the beginner scenarios. But my question to you is I Downloaded Mathus and Sasha and Printed them out, How do I introduce them to the game play? Do I just say hey welcome back to game play here are two new toons to pick from?

Another question is I downloaded a loot table from redux. It doesn't say how to use it do I randomly roll some numbers and pick an item they get to loot?

Sorry if my questions seem silly but I have never GM'ed a game until now and never played an RPG in the past. I have learned a ton of great ideas from this site but Would like to learn more and make the experience better for my brothers and their kids :)

Thanks again...


Bounty Hunter extraordinaire

You could say that the other characters--Oskara etc--knew Sasha and Mathus from Teemo's and that Sasha and Mathus have just escaped themselves, a little later than the players did. So they meet up at the spaceport and Sasha and Mathus board the ship and join the party.

You could say this was either the plan all along, or Sasha and Mathus run up to the ship saying "Hey remember us? We're trying to escape too, can we come?"

In our game we had completed Escape from Mos Schuuta and started Long Arm of the Hutt when a new player joined and we introduced Mathus.

As GM, I said that the players arrived at Ryloth and when the Twi'leks there offered to help fix their ship, Mathus was the technician who was going to do it. It turned out the player characters had known Mathus in Teemo's and he'd gotten out sometime before they did.

It's fairly simple to whip up an explanation for stuff like that, I'd beware of over-thinking it too deeply!

Ok got ya..

I have 4 players that play right now with me. 2 brothers and one of my brothers two daughters. Will they be able to say stop playing Oskara and pash (if they wanted to) and start playing as the two new people. Also if they did can I transfer there XP over to the new toons so they aren't behind in the game? Not that 10 XP matters but like I said I have no clue on some of this stuff :)

Personally I wouldn't worry about transferring XP, especially if you're playing the Beginner game to get acquainted with the system.

In my game we had 5 players, then a new one joined so we added Mathus. Then he stopped playing and 2 of the other players haven't made it to the last 2 sessions.

We just had the 3 players who could make it each double up on controlling a character. They mostly roleplay their main character, and have their secondary character do stuff in a fight or when they're needed.

It'd be up to you whether players could stop playing one character and start playing another--if you're all just getting a feel for the system, I don't see a problem with it, but that's only if they really wanted to do that.

Great thanks for the help Progressions!1!

Do you or anyone happen to know about the loot table that was on the resources page? It has items from 1 to 100 ranging from generic item to rare item? Not sure how to use it

Seems like you have gotten pretty solid information there already. What I did for my game was to simply print out Mathus and Sasha before beginning Escape from Mos Shuuta, so I never had this problem. But later one of my players got hold of the core book and wanted to make his own character, and we simply allowed his character to "morph" into this new one inbetween sessions.

Seems like you have gotten pretty solid information there already. What I did for my game was to simply print out Mathus and Sasha before beginning Escape from Mos Shuuta, so I never had this problem. But later one of my players got hold of the core book and wanted to make his own character, and we simply allowed his character to "morph" into this new one inbetween sessions.

So then if it's early in the game it's not a big deal... But it will create problems later when their level is too low.

Honestly, I just do what I think will be the most entertaining for my players and the rest of the group. So if this was later in the game I would allow the character to come in with extra XP. The extra XP would be a little bit less than the what the other players have, to keep things fair and discourage people from switching characters too often.

What about it?

Damack, the idea behind a 'loot table' like that is that you can roll on it when your players are searching or looting a place or a person.

Like if they just cleared some thugs out of a gangster's lair and they said "we search the room to see if there's any valuable loot"... you could roll on a chart like that if you wanted to come up with random loot.

Alternately you can just make stuff up. You can say "you find 300 credits, a holdout blaster and a scratched-up datapad."

I have a question. I see that you mentioned 2 of your players switching to Sasha and Mathus, so I'm probably misunderstanding this.

Did you download these 2 new characters because those players want to switch to those characters? or did you print them out to be optional characters that your players can switching in-and-out from with their other characters?

If the second option was the case, I recommend you ask them to stick to one character.

I am sorry if I misunderstood you, I just wanted to make sure that this was not the case so everyone can give you the best advice.

I just saw that there were two new characters to download. I'm EXTREMELY new to RPG games this is my first. So I thought that you could just pick a new character when ever you wanted. However I didn't know that you needed to stick with one throughout.

This Kaosoe really leads me to my next line of question.

I purchased the Core Rule book and it speaks about creating characters, I didn't read in to it yet because I literally just got the book in the mail about 3 to 4 hours ago. So if you make a new (toon) do you stop playing with the one you have?

Also what is the max amount of players you can play? I know it says 3 to 5 players can 1 person play more than one character?

What about it?

I didn't know how to use a loot table. But someone answered my question in another thread. I didn't know I had to buy a new die set..

Damack! Welcome to the world of Roleplay games!

Normally you play a single character in an RPG as if you where that character. It's not like some video games where you switch characters at the start of every play session. Your commitment to this one character is the point of play in an RPG. You want this character to strive and survive.

Please PM me if you have any questions. Or better yet, post them on these boards so others can object to my flawed explanations.

I just saw that there were two new characters to download. I'm EXTREMELY new to RPG games this is my first. So I thought that you could just pick a new character when ever you wanted. However I didn't know that you needed to stick with one throughout.

This Kaosoe really leads me to my next line of question.

I purchased the Core Rule book and it speaks about creating characters, I didn't read in to it yet because I literally just got the book in the mail about 3 to 4 hours ago. So if you make a new (toon) do you stop playing with the one you have?

Also what is the max amount of players you can play? I know it says 3 to 5 players can 1 person play more than one character?

Rule #1 that you should always keep in mind is that the only thing you need to do is make sure everyone has fun. If players are sampling different characters each time they sit at the table, that can get a little confusing; but if that's the way you guys want to roll, then have fun with it.

On to your other questions.

Long Arm of the Hutt wraps up the storyline pretty tidily for Pash, Oskara, and Co. So, once you guys complete that, you'll have a pretty good idea of how the characters and gameplay work. You can choose to continue the story from there, but if your players are interested in crafting their own characters from scratch, that would be a good time to delve into the Character Creation chapter of the Core Book. If any of your players really liked their Beginner Characters, they can certainly bring them forward, but I'd still have them run the pregen character through the creation process so that they pick up Obligation, Motivation, and the other things that get left out of the Beginner Book.

If everyone is pretty new to this, I'd recommend they each take only one character into the campaign, and that should be the one they play for the duration (But again, rule #1 takes precedence). This will get them accustomed to managing the development of a single character throughout the campaign. Down the road, you might be able to handle adding droid companions or other characters who tag along with the crew, but I'd wait on that until everyone finds their groove. Until then, the rest of the Beginner characters can either be written out of the story or become NPCs for the players to meet up with down the road.

If this is your first time GMing, I'd shoot for 3-5 players at the table (not counting you). 6 max.

Awesome advice guys thank you sooo much... I'm sure I'll have tons of questions. I just sat down and really started reading The Core Rule Book. Hope you guys are cool with all my noob questions :) thanks guys...

Damack, I'd also recommend watching some gameplay videos on YouTube. For any game really, D&D, Pathfinder, Edge of the Empire, it will all help you get familiar with some of the conventions of roleplaying games.

Beyond the beginner game, i myself find it easier to dive right into the core rule book to create characters.

This allows the player's to find and create a character they enjoy playing, which in turn makes your games even smoother.

My group contains 4 player's, but i allow up to 6 at max.Anything more and the games begin to slow. It's best to have each player create/ use only one character in which they can focus on and enjoy more.Adding or removing characters can easily

be handled by a little write in/out.As for the loot table and such, i don't really use such in star wars.I rather determine as to

what is actually discovered to keep things balanced.In the civilized areas of the galaxy,i do allow my player's to purchase what they think is needed or at least whats available at the given shop/merchant, ect. Above all,if everyone is having fun then your on the right track. My golden rules i follow and share is.........

" Fun before rules"

" The rules are there as guidelines, not a straight jacket."

" Always encourage player's, never discourage."

Welcome to the world of role-playing Damack.

Thx sithlord! We actually had a session about 2 days about it fell through my younger brother had to go to work so we tried to skype but it just wasn't the same so we called it. We all plan on getting together on thanksgiving. I have been reading the Core Rule book like there is no tomorrow. I'm on page 279 now reading about force powers.

We are currently about to get on the ship in the opening game play! Pretty excited I had made up a Wanted poster with my nieces pictures on it and the details were of her shoot out in the cantina She loved it.. Was super legit looking..I took a Han Solo wanted poster and edited it out ...

I'll let you all know how the play goes. I have gotten some great pointers from reading the forums and watching TheBigE's videos as well as some DnD game play.

Damack, I'd also recommend watching some gameplay videos on YouTube. For any game really, D&D, Pathfinder, Edge of the Empire, it will all help you get familiar with some of the conventions of roleplaying games.

I have been watching thebigE's videos and some DnD as well...

Edited by Damack