I noticed earlier this week that Dust Tactics is on a decent sized sale right now and decided now was finally a good time to get in. I quickly discovered however that the 'good' starting set was no longer available (at actual retail price) anywhere.
So I did research on the Revised edition and found a majority thought the units were unbalanced and that the Allied walker included, well, sucked.
Then I noticed a core set on amazon for $200 used.
Thus my problem:
1: Get used copy and have a nice starting faction with awesome heroes (Sigrid!)
2: Buy revised edition, Achilles (for Sig and Joe), Assault Gren to replace Flak troop, and Tank Busters to replace Hammers and possibly have money left over to either get the better Allied light walker to replace the 'Thunder Chicken' as one reviewer called it or possibly Cerberus.
my rationale behind this was that Revised comes with one armor 3 and two armor 2 squads for Allies, and two armor 3 squads and one armor 2 for axis. Thus my hope was to make it even for both sides thus possibly achieving better balance both in strength and in dynamics (in terms of balance between melee and ranged attacks for both sides). I came up with this solution from watching reviews on the individual units contained in Revised.
Edited by ElizLestrad