RTL: How does XP work?

By jazzjr, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

So, I'm curious how people have been assigning XP in RTL

Primarily as the rules seem unclear (really hoping I missed something)

For Instance: when a hero kills the boss of an encounter, the Heroes gain 250 gold and 2 XP, now I know that gold is all kept in one single pool, however the tracking sheet clearly shows that each character keeps track of XP separately. So is this 2 XP for each hero, or is it part of a pool that gets divied out to the heroes.

I suspect its the first option, and that there's a total XP earned, each character has that much XP and keeps track of their remaining XP after expenduritures.

As an added note, the sample sheet is what's helping cause the confusion. Because one person has 8 remaining XP and one has 12.

Now yes I realize they could have purchase separate upgrades, but everything has costs in multiples of 5, so if the total XP is 110 what happened?

The heroes gain CT collectively, which turns into XP that they spend separately.

So if the Heroes have gained 110 CT, they can each spend 110. Of course they'd never have 110 to spend, cuz they'd have spent this much sooner. Thus you have to track:

A) total CT gained for the OL and for the Heroes

B) CT spent (or remaining) for each hero, and the OL

jazzjr said:

As an added note, the sample sheet is what's helping cause the confusion. Because one person has 8 remaining XP and one has 12.

Now yes I realize they could have purchase separate upgrades, but everything has costs in multiples of 5, so if the total XP is 110 what happened?

There are costs in 6s (and possibly other numbers) for Tamalir upgrades, but they are collective costs paid equally by each heroe, so it is impossible the heroes could be 4XP apart.

However, the track record for accuracy in the rules is appalling. Many examples have something wrong in them, be it Jaes' armour value on page 11, the die rolled by the Razorwings on page 14 (which is now correct for RtL!) or many others. Basically FFG do not appear to have made any effort to update examples written during earlier pre-release versions of each rule set. So it is quite likely simply wrong in the example (for the current rules at least).

As an aside, as you may have gathered from Poobaloo, the heroes do not gain 'XP'. They (collectively) gain CT, which (individually) gives them XP to spend.

Thanks for reminding me about the Tamalir upgrades, I knew I had missed something when looking at the example.

And thanks for the answer, this was what I was leaning towards anyway, but I appreciate the confirmation.

poobaloo said:

The heroes gain CT collectively, which turns into XP that they spend separately.

So if the Heroes have gained 110 CT, they can each spend 110. Of course they'd never have 110 to spend, cuz they'd have spent this much sooner. Thus you have to track:

A) total CT gained for the OL and for the Heroes

B) CT spent (or remaining) for each hero, and the OL

I still recommend completely treating CT and XP has seperately as possible. CT are never spent- they just accumulate . XP is what gets spent for both heroes and the OL. You need to keep track of CT for the Heroes, CT for the OL and thus TOTAL CT which drives the game. You also need to keep a SEPERATE track of XP for the OL and for EACH hero.

1CT = 1 XP for the OL

1CT= 1 XP for EACH Hero