[GAME] Green Squad - something from my old SW page

By Desslok, in General Discussion

Because I'm tired of disruptive influences directing the discussions off topic, here are some old (very old) games from my (long since pulled down) web page. You'll have to stat up the bad guys and I might have missed some old mechanics, since these were built for the D6 game, but that shouldn't be too hard for creative GMs.


An adventure for the Star Wars Role Playing Game

Before I joined the Rebellion, I looked to the stars in hopes of one day roaming the galaxy. And now, after eight weeks of training with Green Squad, I'm almost ready to join the rest of the Alliance out there battling the Empire.

ATC-5/GS is not the most luxurious place I've ever been, but I think I've learned the meaning of teamwork and dedication.

The main level of the complex is old hat now - the medical ward, weapons locker, communications, barracks and kitchen, too. Every morning I hike, run and exercise outside in the jungles of Ksift. Every time I return to the complex, I see the second floor; a great dome coming to a full arc just under the tree line. The top is camouflaged, and the windows are tinted. I sure would like to know what's up there.


Alliance Training Center-S/Green Squad (ATC-S/GS) is a specialized training center for troops entering the Green Squad branch. Located on the planet of Ksift in the outer rim territories, it's an excellent place to train the newest Alliance troops. The closest city is Rakati, a 42-hour hike away. The residents of Rakati fear the Empire and don't like Rebels in their city. The only other Alliance post on Ksift is a security operation station, about a week's hike from the station.

The training center tutors 72 students at a time, divided into eight training squads. The squad the PCs are in includes one medic, one pilot and one designated leader. A droid (PC or NPC) and a force-using character are optional.

Following their morning course of exercises, the PCs return to the ATC-S/ GS with a great sense of anticipation. This is the final day of their basic training, and at 9 a.m., they are scheduled to report to the mysterious second floor for a series of combat simulation tests.

When the appointed time arrives, the PCs are lead to the doors of the turbolift to the second floor dome area. Instructor Bret Hanson hands each a comlink and a heavy blaster pistol specially altered to fire only on stun. The targets in the tests are all computer-operated combat droid (see statistics below). When enough hits are scored to represent a kill, the computer will shut off each drone's weapons, which are also set on stun only.

The test will begin when a light at the top of the dome turns red. When the PCs accomplish the course objective, the light will turn green, and the PCs may advance to the rest area platform for three minutes before their next simulation begins.

Hanson motions the PCs into the turbolift, wishes them good luck, then steps back as the doors woosh closed. The PCs wait tensely as the turbolift begins to rise to the second floor.

Combat droid Stats go here


As the turbolift doors slide open, the PCs look over their first battlefield. The landscape is amazingly realistic! The turbolift opens at the edge of the cliff, five meters above a pond of unknown depth, measuring about seven meters out and about 10 meters wide. A forest begins at the edge of the pond, and beyond the trees is what looks to be a building in a small clearing. The comlink comes to life, and Hanson's voice comes through. "Get to the building," he says before the comlink goes dead. The light at the top of the dome blinks red.

The PCs must overcome several obstacles to reach the building. First is a wall, fabricated to be like a mountain cliff, with small outcroppings to grapple onto. An <> Athletics roll will get the PCs down safely. If one of the PCs fails his roll, he falls into the water below. If a PC falls or jumps into the water, he suffers 2 strain.

The water is only about two meters deep, so the PCs can cross the water with no problem once they reach it. As they start into the forest, a stun beam barely misses one of the PCs. The first drone has appeared. The PCs will want to take cover, dodging fire and shooting at the combat droids as they make their way toward their destination. They will encounter two combat droids in the forest and three more in the clearing. As they reach their destination, the combat droids turn off, and the light at the top of the dome turns green. Hanson informs the PCs that they can advance to the resting platform. After three minutes, the light turns red again.


The PCs must now retrieve a computer file from within an Imperial computer Unfortunately, the computer is on-board a simulated star destroyer.

A ramp leads down from the resting platform to a blast door. The comlinks crackle to life, and Hanson says the next objective is to retrieve data file GREEN3 from the computer. The comlink goes dead. The door does not slide open when the PCs stand in front of it.

To gain access to the ship, the PCs must open the door the Security door. Once inside, the PCs travel down passageways and check the doors while trying to defend against combat droids. The combat droids here are more numerous than in the first simulation, and they will pursue the PCs relentlessly.

The computer room is decked from ceiling to floor in computer hardware. In the center, on a desk, is a keyboard. A <><> difficulty Computer skill roll is needed to access the correct information.

As the PCs complete the retrieval of the file GREEN3, the dome light does not turn green as expected, and Hanson does not contact the PCs. Instead, an alarm sounds, and the room suddenly turns red as emergency lights flash. The combat droids, however, are now inactive.

This is not part of the simulation. An Imperial strike force has invaded the complex, and the PCs are in for some real combat.


If the PCs advance to the resting platform for three minutes then proceed to the third simulation, they will face a test of their dexterity. The test includes a series of balance beams and ropes. They can complete this test with no difficulty and with no firing from the combat droids. At the end of the test is a door leading to the first floor via a staircase.

If the PCs wish to investigate the strange happenings without taking the third test, they can bypass the simulation by using the catwalk and heading to the door, which leads to the first floor via a staircase. If they return back through the first two simulation areas, they will find the turbolift inoperable.


After exiting the stairwell, the PCs find themselves in a deserted hallway. Only a red light flashes up and down the hall. Blaster fire comes from the front of the building.

The PCs' weapons are still set for stun, and stun only. They can make their way to the weapons locker on the first floor to arm themselves - provided that they pick the lock on the weapons locker. Inside the locker are 15 more blasters specially set on stun, two normal blaster rifles, three heavy blasters, a thermal detonator, three grenades and a portable ion cannon.

As the PCs arm themselves (or if they forget about the weapons locker), their comlink crackles to life. They can barely make out Hansen's voice. His words fade in and out between the static, but the PCs are able to make out a few phrases. "Empire . . . . weapons locker . . . . in front of the building . . . have to fight" The rest is a mumbled snarl of static and background blaster fire sounds.

If the PCs head in any direction other than toward the front of the building, they will encounter four or five storm troopers in the halls. After that, then will encounter an initiate of Green Squad 7, who tells the PCs that their help is needed out front.

In front of the building, 15 stormtroopers are engaging Green Squad initiates, and eight storm troopers are heading straight for the Rebels! Three vehicles are parked in front of the building: a mobile command base and two compact assault vehicles.

On an Easy Perception roll, a PC not actively engaged in combat will notice that the laser cannon on the mobile command base is pointed at the communications array of ATC-5/GS!

Entering the mobile command base is not easy. A Difficult Security roll will let the PCs gain access. If the PCs are unable to gain access, they can always climb the sides to reach the cannon and disable it, wait for troopers to ambush them, or even try to take over a compact assault vehicle and turn its weapons on the mobile command base. Climbing the sides requires an Easy Climbing skill roll. If the PCs gain access to the mobile command base, they will have to battle five storm troopers and three crewmembers. If they overcome their foes, a <><><> difficulty Security roll will get them into the top hatch.

Once the PCs take the mobile command base out of commission, the rest of the

stormtroopers surrender.


Later that night amid the chaos of evacuating the training facility, Hanson

congratulates each of the Green Squad initiates on their performance. The PCs

have passed their tests and will now be known as Green Squad 3.

I have a couple more along these same lines - short nugget games. I'll post them as time and motivation permit.

Epic stuff mate.

Game-related stuff!

Thank you, Desslok, you splendid angry penguin you!

I could modify this as a prequel story for Crimson Phoenix in their recruit days...

Edited by Maelora

Hey, my pleasure - it's been so long since I've poked around in those folders (sometime around 1997 or so), I don't remember anything about how these games went down at all. (: I know I ran them at one point, but hell if I could tell you how they were!

Maelora, if you wind up using it, update us with what you did! I love to see how these things morph over time. . .

Hey, my pleasure - it's been so long since I've poked around in those folders (sometime around 1997 or so), I don't remember anything about how these games went down at all. (: I know I ran them at one point, but hell if I could tell you how they were!

Maelora, if you wind up using it, update us with what you did! I love to see how these things morph over time. . .

I've done a few backstory prequels for the EoE characters, and for the AoR guys in their early days.

One of the characters is a Diplomat who used her aristocratic family connections to get a post in an elite Special Forces outfit, even though she had no right being there. But she had to go through basic training, and still has self-esteem issues. This would be a perfect 'baptism of fire' for her training days... I'll run it via email with her player and let you know how it works out! :)