PS: I take it my idea with the "Burst and Autofire = only 1 damage roll + bonus" was not well received?
It is a mechanic used by various systems, and it gives a way to make full-auto etc better without being hideously unbalancedly better, so I guess I could be persuaded. What would the specifics be? A bonus dependent on the weapon, or a flat amount? There is the slightly odd thing thing that it suddenly makes full auto-weapons better at penetrating armour.
Personally I always thought the real problem with the whole DH1 system was not full-auto (though I am not totally convinced about the change to a hit for every DoS, rather than 2 as originally published, even if it was a mistake). The fact that full auto was a full-action made me think being forced to choose between moving or full-autoing was sufficient (as long as the GM realised this and made sure fights occured in areas where movement wwas desirable. If you are in a position where you can gun down your enemies from behind cover controlled automatic fire should be the most desirable thing). Also, if proper use is made of supressive fire by NPCs, the fact that it was a full action made it impossible. The real problem in my mind was semi-auto as there was really no reason to use it unless 1) ammo conservation was a big issue, or more commonly, 2) the weapon simply didn't have a full-auto option.