Have any of the publications covered genestealer hybrids? Thinking of sending a kill team against a cult.
Rules for genestealer hybrids
Unfortunately no. Final Sanction/Oblivion's Edge really should have done that though. What MAY be hybrids are just treated as normal, mind-controlled humans with no special powers or mutations.
That was also my thought when reading through those. Guess we have cause for a house rules project. Anyone interested in collaborating? Send me a PM if so.
Wrote one after Black Industries stated they would discontinue Dark Heresy.
Wrote one after Black Industries stated they would discontinue Dark Heresy.
Nicely done! Your background is spot on and the stats are just what I would expect.
Did you start playing 40k during 1st or 2nd ed.?
I actually never got into the 40k miniature game (only WFB) but I did a lot of research over my 8 week medical leave from work. It did the trick and I wasn't bored.
It shows. I've been with 40k from 1st ed. (1991) and have played around genestealers and their ilk in 40 and a number of their other games. Again, well done, I look forward to bringing them into a campaign!
Wrote one after Black Industries stated they would discontinue Dark Heresy.
Most Impressive!
I've just glanced over it but I've saved it to my computer to read properly later. As someone who was brought into 40K with Space Hulk with the Genestealer and Deathwing supplements, I'm very interested in this.
Thank you.
These are incredibly helpful, I'm planning a Space Hulk mission involving an Ork Genestealer Hybrid infestation, I was wondering if anyone would be willing to help make some additional rules to supplement the fine Genestealer Hybrid rules drawn up by Santiago?
Unnatural Toughness (x2), perhaps Frenzy
Add a level of unnatural strength to the full genestealers
Can someone upload it again? The link seems to be broken (I get a 0 byte file).
A thousand thanks for this. Right now my players are operating on a planet with a massive Genestealer Cult uprising on it (about 10 million cultists and some 10 000 Genestealers*) and so this information will certainly help with making some cool encounters and stuff for them.
* Most of the enemies will of course be engaged by the PDF and potentially Imperial reinforcements that may or may not arrive and so the players won't be near to wade through this many foes.