Which Heroes are these?!? And how can I get them! :)

By shnar, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Stumbled across this:


They appear to be promotional Heroes for the Spanish(?) market, if they preorder Road To Legend. My question is, what are these Heroes and more importantly, how can I get them?!? I'd pay $10 for these over a metal Lt any day ;)

New Heroes?


I dunno, but the chick on the left does not have her line of sight blocked by obstacles or other heros. Which is pretty hax. Also, she ignores some ability, but I cant tell which, as her figure blocks the last line. The guy on the right seems to be able to reduce some trait of a monster by one, but his page is cut off. He also ingnores an ability, but I can't see what.

Anyone have full (un-obscured) text for the chars? I'd love to read them.

Yeah, those guys look pretty sweet for sure. I would also like to be able to translate the spanish...I suppose I could see if I could just order the spanish version, but...that's prolly pretty expensive..and my other players might not believe the spanish really says what it says...I suppose there's always babelfish.

the miniatures are a gift for buying the expansion "Road to the legend" in pre-order in the shop of Edge (the 10º aniversary).
comment the traduction of the text.

The first character "Kel, Augur of the True" say:

"Obstacles and other figures not blocking the line of sight of Kel, Augur of the True. It also ignore the ability of "Shadowcloak".

And the another char "Jonas the Gentile" say:

"The equip of Jonas the Gentile can not be destroyed. If Jonas reduces exactly to 1 HP the life of a monster in a attack, the monster come surrender "Ignoring the hability of "Undying")."

scuse me for my english. ^^

Wow, that's cool. I think I understand Kel's ability, but I don't quite understand Jonas'. Is it that if he reduces a Monster to 1 Wound, the monster dies, ignoring Undying? But if he outright kills a monster, the Undying can still work?


shnar said:

Wow, that's cool. I think I understand Kel's ability, but I don't quite understand Jonas'. Is it that if he reduces a Monster to 1 Wound, the monster dies, ignoring Undying? But if he outright kills a monster, the Undying can still work?


Thematic mercy kill maybe? I'm not sure I like the idea of a character that is essentially immune to Crushing Blow and some aspects of Frost.

shnar said:

Wow, that's cool. I think I understand Kel's ability, but I don't quite understand Jonas'. Is it that if he reduces a Monster to 1 Wound, the monster dies, ignoring Undying? But if he outright kills a monster, the Undying can still work?


shnar said:

Wow, that's cool. I think I understand Kel's ability, but I don't quite understand Jonas'. Is it that if he reduces a Monster to 1 Wound, the monster dies, ignoring Undying? But if he outright kills a monster, the Undying can still work?


Exactly!!, thats is the skill of Jonas. (kill the monters the skill of Undying continue working)

Thanks for the correction.



Sorry for the double post ... :P ..:

Here are the 2 character cards

Man, the magic users ability is kinda crazy good. Its like Uber-Precision since I don't see anything to indicate a limit on how many figures/obstacles. Throw her behind a rubble wall and let her go to town. Plus, imagine her with Spiritwalker? She'd be a nightmare.

And he's actually not that bad upon reconsideration. Still not keen on the immunity, and I'm really not sure how often he'll get an Undying monster down to only 1HP.

Here are some English versions I put together, can't help with the figures though:


Big Remy said:

Man, the magic users ability is kinda crazy good. Its like Uber-Precision since I don't see anything to indicate a limit on how many figures/obstacles. Throw her behind a rubble wall and let her go to town. Plus, imagine her with Spiritwalker? She'd be a nightmare.

And he's actually not that bad upon reconsideration. Still not keen on the immunity, and I'm really not sure how often he'll get an Undying monster down to only 1HP.

Forget precision, if she can ignore obstacles, what does that mean for spawning purposes? Super anti-spawn radar would be the real killer in her ability.

Jonas can get undying monsters down to 1 hp whenever he wants to. Don't forget that you don't have to spend surges, or make enhancements to damage. So as long as the hearts on his colored dice don't kill it, he can get it to exactly one HP. The real fun thing would be getting lieutenants to surrender. Or how about the final fight? After the epic battle the Avatar of evil gives up, and the heroes have to figure out how to safely transport him to the Talimar jail.

Good point, I'd probably modify Kel's power to "When tracing line of sight for an attack, Kel, The True Prophet may ignore obstacles or other figures. Additionally she ignores the Shadowcloak ability." She seems to be using animated magic in her picture, so I'd thematically assume that it is her attacks that are avoiding the obstacles and figures.

As for Jonas's ability, it is really only extra potent against monsters with Undying. It basically allows him to ignore Undying under slightly limited circumstances and to reduce all monsters total wounds by 1 while he attacks. He's kind of squishy with no natural armor as well.

Kel is definitely a first class hero, right up there with the best, even if her LOS un-restrcitions are limited to when attacking.

I suspect Jonas the Gentile should be Jonas the Gentle?
- Gentile being a jewish term for non-jew (more or less)
- Gentle seeming thematic for his 'mercy'

Corbon said:

Kel is definitely a first class hero, right up there with the best, even if her LOS un-restrcitions are limited to when attacking.

I suspect Jonas the Gentile should be Jonas the Gentle?
- Gentile being a jewish term for non-jew (more or less)
- Gentle seeming thematic for his 'mercy'

Correct. Gentil in espan~ol means gentle. Not gentile.

Corbon said:

Kel is definitely a first class hero, right up there with the best, even if her LOS un-restrcitions are limited to when attacking.

I suspect Jonas the Gentile should be Jonas the Gentle?
- Gentile being a jewish term for non-jew (more or less)
- Gentle seeming thematic for his 'mercy'

And here I was hoping that the rest of the Descent cast were members of the tribe! partido_risa.gif

Part of me would like to have these figures for my game, because they're all shiny and exclusive. But another (I think bigger) part of me is happy I don't, because these guys are mad broken.

House-ruling this only needs small changes for balance I feel:

Jonas the Gentle’s equipment cannot be destroyed. If Jonas reduces an unnamed monster to exactly one wound, that monster surrenders and is removed from play as if killed, ignoring any Undying ability.

When attacking, Kel, the True Prophet’s line of sight is not blocked by obstacles or other figures. Kel, the True Prophet ignores the Shadowcloak ability.

Now I would say that FFG could make a series of new Descent charakters. Just like the Leutnants, every pack would have a plastic figure and two Hero Sheet that we could use this hero for Descent and Runebound. Every one would be pleased, FFG would have more money ane we would have new figures for our beloved games. For the start they could release the 4 promo figures taht are already made. I'm talking about - Nara the Fang, Jonas the Gentile, Kel the True Prophet and the fourth that I can't remember.

We should make apetition to FFG to make such thing. Do You agree with me?

It's taken me a few day, but I now have English mock-ups of the Hero Cards for the three known promos:




Site updates still pending though...


Armor of both heroes is less than 2 and Hero Abilities isn't even that great. Especially Kel's character ability is too specific to be good and Jonas' ability comes handy only against Undying monsters. A pair of useless characters, I say.

Templarion said:


Armor of both heroes is less than 2 and Hero Abilities isn't even that great. Especially Kel's character ability is too specific to be good and Jonas' ability comes handy only against Undying monsters. A pair of useless characters, I say.

I'm sorry, but I gotta strongly disagree with them being useless.

You really think being able to ignore an unlimited number of obstacles and figures for the purposes of tracing LOS for attacks isn't good? Being able to place a Blast attack anywhere in a room isn't good? And ignoring Shadowcloak on top of that?

As for the other guy, the ability to never have your equipment destroyed makes this guy completely immune to Crushing Blow and some of the effects of Frost. Plus having a guy who will always kill any unnamed monster that he reduces to 1 wounds is nothing to slouch at. The fact that it blocks Undying as well makes it even better, this guy walks around with the Staff of the Grave all the time.

Indeed. You will note that based on the feedback, Kel doesn't get free LoS for spawning, and I took names monsters away from Jonas. I can post "direct translation" versions for the nay-sayers if they like, although given how over-powered their abilities are otherwise, I'm sure there would be translation artefacts involved if I hadn't "fixed" them.

I would love to see these show up at gencon this year....I have a Nara thankfully but being an obsessive completist it kills me not to have those other figs.

Hate to do thread necromancy, but Ker is not the true prophet. It's "Ker, Prophet of Truth". important distinction.