Which Heroes are these?!? And how can I get them! :)

By shnar, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

If the english says "When attacking"

The french one doesn't speak about attack at all.... And like it was say before, the spanish too.

Is the original version the english one? (Pretty sure but juste to confirm) If yes, the heros is really overpower sorpresa.gif

The english is just a translation. English versions of these characters haven't been seen in the wild yet.

ok I'm not sure that I understand well....

Descent was create by FFG, and you said that those promotionnal figures doesn't come from FFG? lengua.gif

I'm not 100% clear on the details myself, but it appears that the cards for these figures have only been distributed in their non-English versions. FFG may have made them, but they may never have been released in English (except for Nara the Fang).

This is my vague understanding of the matter.

Ok.......... It's really weird preocupado.gif

I wonder what happen with Kel and it's hability...

The English versions of all these cards other than Nara the Fang are someone else on the forums photo-shopping them with English text. Due to previous chats about our belief that the "intent" was that Kel's ability should only refer to attacks and not spawns, the English (photo-shopped) version has that stipulation added in. The actual Spanish version of the card merely says that her LOS is not blocked by figures or obstacles, which seems to allow ridiculous spawn stoppage in addition to attacking hiding monsters. Very powerful. We will have to see if there is an official English version and what it says, and the probably have an OL outcry and a faq that clarifies whether this is just for attacks or for spawn prevention as well.

Just so I can be clear, the cards I put up in English are translations only, a few small liberties taken where the direct translation seemed to be horribly broken, based on discussions here. In every translation project I've ever helped with, something mis-translates, so I had no problem doing this. The thrust of the matter is that the English ability texts may not be completely accurate.

Is it too late/too early to lobby for english releases of these charcters in another expansion?

Great work Slev for translating in english and providing them : I'm gonna print them right now and use them ! Thanks !

By the way : I don't know anything about spanish, but there's a very lame play on word with Tobin's name : it vaguely means FarRangedKiller, and there is a rime with his first name (Tobin) so... er... Tobin Goodeyin ? ... nah it **** sucks... anyway, forget it ! Useless thread lengua.gif

Just to "bump" this thread, and since it looks like Sea of Blood is going to include Nara The Fang, any chance FFG is considering releasing these guys to us poor Americans?


Awesome characters. It would be nice to be able to obtain English versions.

How can I get the "Nara the Fang" card and figure? When did it come out?

Some of you will love me, some of you will hate me.

I had the incredible opportunity to help work on Descent: Sea of Blood. In "payment", I was given all four the the Descent Promo heroes. I have uploaded the actual English versions of these heroes on to BGG. I repeat, these are not simply photo-shopped; they are the true English versions, complete with hero figures and stats for Runebound.


Before you ask, no I do not know how people can get their hands on these heroes. I hoping for all of your sakes that you get them soon. :) I'm just incredibly blessed.

For the record, we have not found Truthseer Kel to be overpowered as she is written. Powerful yes, overpowered no. It's plays very similar to having a four hero team where Kirga is one of the heroes, or a four hero team where Boggs the Rat is one of the skills. Obviously the dungeon itself will largely determine how powerful Truthseer Kel's ability is. Certainly it does negate the Crushing Block/Spawn combo, but beyond that, we haven't found it to affect the game much more than Kirga or Boggs.

So hopefully you don't hate me. At least now you don't have to rely on the translations.

WOA!!! I didn't know there was a fourth! What's the story behind Tobin Farslayer?!? When did he come out? How do you get him? (and when is FFG planing on releasing him? :D )

And I'm not jealous you got these 4 heroes (well, I guess I am), I'm really jealous that you got to play Sea of Blood!!! Did you like it? How much can you talk about it? NDA and all...


shnar said:

WOA!!! I didn't know there was a fourth! What's the story behind Tobin Farslayer?!? When did he come out? How do you get him? (and when is FFG planing on releasing him? :D )

And I'm not jealous you got these 4 heroes (well, I guess I am), I'm really jealous that you got to play Sea of Blood!!! Did you like it? How much can you talk about it? NDA and all...


I can't say anything unless it is has already been said on the website, or the game is released; whichever comes first.

I CAN say that it is totally awesome, better than Road to Legend, and totally awesome.

Sweet! Can you confirm what those tokens are on the island map they showed? Are those shark fins?


shnar said:

Sweet! Can you confirm what those tokens are on the island map they showed? Are those shark fins?


I think that is a good guess seeing as the game comes with shark tokens, but I can't confirm anything.

ok three of these 4 was for sale at the essen games fair last week in germany.all 4 cards where in german. the fourth was kel and they only had a few of so they kept them for staff,to be given away at the end of the show.

and yes i got the three we was able to buy

does anyone know if the are plans to do these in english like the german ones?


Why doesn't FFG release these in the states?!? I'd totally buy them, like the Tanhausser minis...


Licensing issues maybe? They might be the intellectual property of Edge, not FFG.

Or maybe they're just artificially inflating the rice through international hype. :)

Trust me when you are an Overlord those heroes are awful! preocupado.gif

James McMurray said:

Licensing issues maybe? They might be the intellectual property of Edge, not FFG.

Or maybe they're just artificially inflating the rice through international hype. :)

For some reason I doubt that FFG would produce minis for something where they didn't have rights to sell them if they wished. My guess is that they don't want to sell them outside of conventions so that they can entice people to visit their booth with promotional figures.

At GenCon, I got the feeling that FFG was moving away from promo policies. Even the bag I got my games in seemed to indicate this with a slogan (forgot what it was). I specifically requested Nara the Fang since I wasn't at the previous GenCon and was told it would be available through the website in the future. As it turns out, it will be in Sea of Blood first print run. I have a feeling that all four will be available through the website sometime after the first print run of Sea of Blood has been sold off. That way, you aren't getting an exclusive by buying Sea of Blood right away, you're getting a two-for-one deal. Just my speculation.

Cobin really looks different art-wise from the others. Was a different artist used? Or just a schnazzy new style? Why? And the face looks real. Like it was a painting for a real person. Is this, in fact, the exclusive hero given to the winner of the hero creation contest (I think that's what it was) a while back? Is this the image of the winner? Did he get to pick an artist to paint him, hence the difference with previous hero art?

got to say some one who picked up the promos at essen was quick off the mark.three of them are on e-bay now.

no kel mind you one one i still need.

:( should of got my self more than one of each and done the same :)
