Which Heroes are these?!? And how can I get them! :)

By shnar, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

OK, I'll update when I have some time.

That's a direct translation though. Perhaps "Thruthseer Kel"?

Interpreter of Truth could work. la Verdad can either be seen as any old truth or the one truth, but it's a noun, not an adjective.

And it's not a direct translation of the concept, which exists in english. Augur is also an english word. She's an Augur of Truth or of the one Truth.


Auger is an English word I'm familier with. Based on that, I'll go with "Truthseer Kel", unless someone has a better idea.

I like them and I think it would be great if they were included in say uncoming mini expansion if there ever was one. Kinda like the HeroQuest mini expansions like Kellar's Keep. I would also agree just releasing a character 4 pack of say these two and two other figures (Nara and some new character) with cards for both Descent and Runebound. New characters to add to the game to mix it up a bit is always good.

They can throw the Tobin the Marksman guy from one of the other threads here into that pack.

there's a third one. I don't find the VO card but he was create at the same time of the 2 others:


Sorry for my bad english:

When Tobin succed an attack, add the range to the wounds. Tobin cannot make a range attack on an adjacent figure.

One card in progress


Nice one dude.

Some might disagree with me, but doesn't 12/3/2/3 and 3 ranged dice seem a bit...strong...for a guy whose only disadvantage is that he can't make ranged attacks versus adjacent monsters?

Bashwilly said:

there's a third one. I don't find the VO card but he was create at the same time of the 2 others:


Sorry for my bad english:

When Tobin succed an attack, add the range to the wounds. Tobin cannot make a range attack on an adjacent figure.

EDIT: Remy, 12/3/2/3 is a BIT strong, 16/3/2/3 is VERY strong...especially since he has an automatic +5 damage against figures 5 spaces away, or +4 against figures 4 spaces away, etc...

Bashwilly said:

there's a third one. I don't find the VO card but he was create at the same time of the 2 others:

When Tobin succed an attack, add the range to the wounds. Tobin cannot make a range attack on an adjacent figure.

Wow. Stats/conquest of a tank with pure ranged character abilities. His consistent damage potential is very appealing. He doesn't really need to be that fast because you probably want to attack from as far away as possible. Using enhancements for range basically means you are using them for damage. Like Laurel, "lucky" would be a good skill to have on this guy. Definitely a strong weakness with kobolds or grapple, but he can equip heavy armors and take some punishment without sacrificing his (admittedly poor) speed. I like him.

OK, here's the man himself:


And a re-named Kel:



Jesus he's freaking insane.

Give this guy:

Lucky (use both parts of an enhancement)

Eagle Eye (+1 to range and Pierce 2)

Marksman (+3 range)

Give him even the shop bow and you are talking what, a garunteed 4 range attack. If he rolls all enchancements on an attack, that's a 7 range attack so +7 damage. I mean this guy can kill a skeleton without having to actually roll any hearts at the right range. He's more broken then the Truthseer Kel chick.

Tobin's ability seems a bit strong, but I'm not convinced there's anything out-of-line with his stats if he was given a lackluster ability. 16/3/2/3 with fully-focused traits and skills is a perfectly ordinary stat block for a 4-conquest hero. FFG has never published a single 4-conquest ranged hero before, ever , but such indications as we have (for example, the build-your-own-hero rules) suggest that all attack types are supposed to be balanced against each other, and we do have a 4-conquest magic hero, so getting a 4-conquest ranged hero seems pretty reasonable to me.

Getting your distance from the target added to your attack damage certainly sounds excessive, though.

I'm looking forward to attacking a dragon/demon from across the map at like 15 spaces with this guy having marksman, lucky, eagle eye and a shooting for distance (+8 range) and doing stupid damage with that one attack and just one-shotting whatever it is.

This is my new favorite hero...if he's on my side. Otherwise...pretty much broken. Laurel can do the same thing adjacently for one fatigue, but that's the thing--she's gotta get up close and personal to gain the benefit. This guy actually benefits from being far away...and he's a tank with that armor/health and the fact that he'll never sacrifice speed to wear any armor. I do like that he's only the second character in the whole game (after Laurel) who doesn't cause you to cringe in the face of yellow dice.

Btw, Marksman (+3) plus eagle eye (+1) plus shop bow (auto 1 range if you don't miss for the blue and auto 1 range on the yellow) means you can have +6 automatic damage if you can trace LOS from that far away. He can kill a beastman or a hellhound with a surge on the blue and all blanks on his black dice.

Big Remy said:

Jesus he's freaking insane.

Give this guy:

Lucky (use both parts of an enhancement)

Eagle Eye (+1 to range and Pierce 2)

Marksman (+3 range)

Give him even the shop bow and you are talking what, a garunteed 4 range attack. If he rolls all enchancements on an attack, that's a 7 range attack so +7 damage. I mean this guy can kill a skeleton without having to actually roll any hearts at the right range. He's more broken then the Truthseer Kel chick.

He cries when he sees enemies in trees, or deep elves though. He's funny in that he wants enemies to soar.

3 move / 3 fatigue is painful.

There are plenty of skills already that give +2 damage, so his ability giving him some that will give +3 damage sometimes and +0 damage other times doesn't make him that broken. I think I'd still prefer Laurel, because with her the damage is guaranteed, as opposed to having to have your super slow tank have to line up shots from the back of the party.

He definitely seems really powerful, I'd love to try him out. And I think it's great to finally have a tank like ranged character worth 4 conquest. The thing is, with that ability, the overlord will have to change his tactics to deal with that, being sure to hide around corners until he can run in/spawn nearby and swarm him in melee. And the fact that he can't touch deep elves or anyone in a tree is a definite problem. If I were the overlord, I would love to taunt the player by moving a master deep elf into plain sight to him and about 8 spaces away. Talk about an artillery character.

so there has been lots of discusson about the strengths and abilities of these monsters, which has been very fun to read. any more word on how we get our hands on them?

They're in the LARP expansion, where you have to "pretend" to rob the FFG offices...

Slev said:

They're in the LARP expansion, where you have to "pretend" to rob the FFG offices...


Big Remy said:

Slev said:

They're in the LARP expansion, where you have to "pretend" to rob the FFG offices...



Thank you. I'm here all week.

I wonder if Kel special hability allow her to ignore obstacle for attack.... beaucause line of sight and attack are always related....

If yes... She's too strong sorpresa.gif

Bashwilly said:

I wonder if Kel special hability allow her to ignore obstacle for attack.... beaucause line of sight and attack are always related....

If yes... She's too strong sorpresa.gif

Her ability starts off with "when attacking", so I would assume that is the case. Yeah, she's horribly broken.

I haven't seen the "when attacking" sonrojado.gif thanks lengua.gif

Bashwilly said:

I haven't seen the "when attacking" sonrojado.gif thanks lengua.gif

Technically, that's an add that we put in when translating it. The Spanish says nothing about when attacking, we just figured it was supposed to be that way, much like Landrec the wise...

The original figure doesn't come from FFG?

yeah, Kel's ability states only that her LoS isn't blocked by obstacles or other figures. That's very overpowered.