Do new enemies engaging during combat also attack?

By JYoder, in Rules questions & answers

I'm in combat phase and have dealt shadow cards to engaged enemies. When one attacks, it triggers a new enemy from the staging area to engage me. Does that enemy also get to attack me? If so, does it get a shadow card dealt to it?

I assume it attacks, but doesn't get a shadow card, but I'm not sure about either.

Edited by JYoder

Which shadow effect is it? Which card is from?

It didn't come from a shadow effect. It happened during the HoN quest "Peril in Pelargir."

Frodo is attacked (don't remember enemy or shadow card) while Harbor Thug is in the staging area. To avoid death, the Frodo player raised his threat. Since that player has Alacron's Scroll, the Harbor Thug now engages that player... but I'm not sure what to do with Harbor Thug.

Here's a tie-in question: If Frodo had had the scroll, would the attacker take it? It depends if Frodo was considered damaged, just before he cancels all the damage.

I think the Harbor Thug would have to make its own attack. Can't find anything in the rule book that would suggest otherwise.

And yeah I think the attacker would take the scroll as well -- Frodo's ability can't trigger unless he is damaged. He canceled the damage, but that "damaged" state still occurred, and should trigger the Forced effect on the scroll.

I think the Harbor Thug would have to make its own attack. Can't find anything in the rule book that would suggest otherwise.

And yeah I think the attacker would take the scroll as well -- Frodo's ability can't trigger unless he is damaged. He canceled the damage, but that "damaged" state still occurred, and should trigger the Forced effect on the scroll.

Then Frodo would also trigger the muck adder ability and I thought the consensus is that he does not?

after about 2.5 years of playing this game i still have not found a certain answer for the frodo/muck adder scenario and similar.

has anyone got an answer from caleb or nate that clarifies this? i have probably asked twice on different threads throughout the game's life


I think I saw one for muck adder and frodo. EDIT : nope...

"Cancel" in this game is retroactive, so in the new timeline frodo was never damaged.

Edited by alogos

As for Frodo taking damage via Muck Adder, the official answer concurs with alogos, given the link I found below, where Caleb wrote: "In order for the Adder's ability to destroy a character to trigger, damage must actually be placed. If you use Frodo's ability to raise threat instead of taking damage from a Muck Adder, then the Adder has not actually damaged Frodo and it's ability will not trigger."

Therefore, we can also assume Harbor Thug doesn't take the scroll.

As to my original question, the consensus is Harbor Thug attacks. But does he get a shadow card?

Edited by JYoder

Normally yes.

Shadow cards are dealt as a reminder of "wich enemy didn't attack yet ?" so if he is going to attack, then yes.

I'm not sure if he has to attack though, but the rules seems to imply that you resolve each attack one by one until all attacks are done. So if it doesn't say that you should first consider who is attacking before resolving only those attack, it implies that you should treat new engaged ennemies as attacking you.

Shadow cards are dealt at the start of the combat phase. If a card specifically instructs that an enemy attacks out of turn it also gets a shadow card according to latest FAQ.

One that engages during combat phase is not specifically instructed to by that token would not receive a shadow card. This is how I am reading it anyways.

Is this forum not monitored by FFG employees who can give definite answers? But only by players, like us, who make a "best guess" based off the current FAQ?

here is also same question about BOG hidden mechanic. When hidden cards revealed in the middle of the combat phase and if is emenies he engage a player. Since in happen in the middle of combat phase the new enemies should also attack as i understand. But what about shadow card? they also suppose to get it or not?????

Here is link to my video check combat on 26 min:

Is this forum not monitored by FFG employees who can give definite answers? But only by players, like us, who make a "best guess" based off the current FAQ?

You have to send the question via more=»customer services=»rules question

You have to send the question via more=»customer services=»rules question

Link is at the bottom of this and every forum page.

Thanks, you got good eyes. Had to search it for a while...

To any still interested, I wrote Caleb and he replied...

If an enemy engages you during the "resolving enemy attacks" portion of the combat phase, it will make an attack. However, it will not be dealt a shadow card since it was not engaged with you at the beginning of the combat phase when shadow cards were dealt.

OK, thanks for sharing. I thought that for attacks that occur outside of the enemy attack phase, shadow cards were dealt anyway. But here the situation is different indeed.

The situation is different only so far as the enemy is not specifically instructed to make an attack.

Enemies only receive a shadow card, outside the normal shadow card distribution, when specifically instructed to make an attack or when instructed to receive a shadow card.

The fact that an enemy engages you during combat just means it will make a normal attack and since it was not specifically instructed to make an attack, and the shadow card distribution has passed, it does not receive a shadow card.

Yes that makes sense, thanks.

I assume this also applies to Murzag's forced effect in the Morgul Vale.

I assume this also applies to Murzag's forced effect in the Morgul Vale.

You assume correctly