
By Boris_the_Dwarf, in Rules questions & answers

Had an odd rules interaction that I couldn't find an answer to in the rulebook. I played the Lore version of Gildor Inglorion and then flipped Gildor from the encounter deck during one of the Black Riders quest. Just an oversight on my part, but from what the rulebook said my interpretation was that the double appearance of the card made the new one stay on the top of the encounter deck (pg. 8). So this would lock any more cards from appearing as long as there are no enemies in play, unless I am missing something.

Yeah that is weird. The section in the rule book talks specifically about player cards, but does not mention objective or otherwise unique encounter deck cards. It's probably best to clarify with Caleb.

Got it in my unofficial faq.

Here's the source : http://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1053647/gildor-inglorion

And the answer :

The unique rules for the game prevent the objective ally from entering play at that point because you already have Gildor in play. That means the Gildor objective ally will be discarded with no effect.
