TOR Imperial Agent Storyline Inspiration

By Shakespearian_Soldier, in General Discussion

Having played a little of the Imperial Agent story on The Old Republic , I was thinking that it can offer an awful lot for GMs planning on introducing Imperial PCs/NPCs who have the potential to become more than two-dimensional "evil jackboots" - the storylines for the class, for example, could help to mould plans a GM could have for a Spy, or any other PC who relies more on stealth and guile than outright combat prowess.

What areas of the storyline did you all like, if any, and how has it helped to influence or construct stories you tell/plan on telling?

Edited by Shakespearian_Soldier

I was more curious at mixing multiple story lines after all where is the Sith Trooper and the Republic Agent?

The Smuggler sounded like it should have had a variation working in the Empire's space but not as badly as the Trooper should have been.

I liked the idea behind this and have been thinking of a way of using the Trooper/Smuggler introductory story as the beginning for an entire campaign but reversing certain roles due to being run in AoR.

In case someone would rather not learn about some secrets in the early storyline don't read the below;

So the Empire lost a planet splitter weapon to Separatists both of whom are unaware they're being used to cement Imperial support in this sector when the bomb is detonated so the Separatists are blamed for the resulting mess.

However whilst an Imperial unit apparently defects they're actually undercover and the PC left behind is unaware whats really going on until they confront them in the Separatist base and the PC ends up being blamed for his unit's defection especially as they disabled the bomb rather than capture their former comrades.

Nice. :) Would have been good to see the good classes as Imperials, and the bad classes as Republic-affiliates.