Eleanor thwarted by Black Riders rules - Sauron could not be reached for comment

By GrandSpleen, in Rules questions & answers

This is just an observation really, but I noticed that Eleanor's card text says:

"Exhaust Eleanor to cancel the the "when revealed" effects of a treachery card just revealed by the encounter deck. " (my emphasis)

It doesn't say "from," which is the wording used on other cards, such as A Test of Will.

The original player manual also uses the "from" wording, but in the rules for Staging, describes cards as being revealed "by" the encounter deck, with the encounter deck being an entity capable of performing that action:

"After each player has had the opportunity to commit characters to the quest, the encounter deck reveals one card per player. "

In Black Riders, cards are no longer revealed "by" the encounter deck, but by individual players:

"Beginning with the first player, each player reveals 1 encounter card and resolves its staging before the next player reveals a card."

.... so if you take all this word for word, Eleanor's ability is useless in the Black Riders quests -- cards are never revealed "by" the encounter deck.

I'm sure that's not an intended effect, just old wording on a Core set card. Fun stuff though! :)

Edited by GrandSpleen

Very good, your title made me laugh.

I'm guessing that the BR wording shouldn't negate Eleanor's ability as surely that wasn't the intent? Though Stranger things have happened.

Ha Ha good catch

I cannot comment till Sauron comments on that ... but yet again, his reply will be "who is Eleanor? did not know there was such a person in middle earth"