Infinity combo?

By Boreas Mun, in Blood Bowl: Team Manager

So, I've just bought expansion Sudden Death. There are Enchanted Balls. During the first game I had this funny situation. I had 2 players with Dump-Off skil and 'Sprint' Ball.

Dump Off : "If this player would become the ball carrier or drop the ball, you may move the ball to a friendly player at this matchup"

Skills : "Each time a player becomes the ball carrier, his manager may immediately use a skill icon on that ball, interrupting the active manager’s turn. Skill icons are resolved following normal rules. After resolving the skill, the active manager’s turn resumes"

So first player becomes the ball carrier trigerring sprint and then he moves the ball to second player and he becomes the ball carrier, sprint, then he moves the ball to first player, etc. Is that legal?

It is even better with 'Cheat' Ball. So I have another question. In SD there is this a Staff Upgrade that gives you +1 for each cheat token on all players in one match at the beginning of scoreboard phase. So since it is at the beginning of scoreboard phase, is it before reavealing cheat tokens?

So, I've just bought expansion Sudden Death. There are Enchanted Balls. During the first game I had this funny situation. I had 2 players with Dump-Off skil and 'Sprint' Ball.

Dump Off : "If this player would become the ball carrier or drop the ball, you may move the ball to a friendly player at this matchup"

Skills : "Each time a player becomes the ball carrier, his manager may immediately use a skill icon on that ball, interrupting the active manager’s turn. Skill icons are resolved following normal rules. After resolving the skill, the active manager’s turn resumes"

So first player becomes the ball carrier trigerring sprint and then he moves the ball to second player and he becomes the ball carrier, sprint, then he moves the ball to first player, etc. Is that legal?

I would say no, because using Dump Off prevents that player from becoming the ball carrier. ;)

Lol, I have polish cards and there it is written that player becomes ball carrier and then Dump Off.

Edited by Boreas Mun

Have you tried to ask a game designer about this combo? I don't find any solid reason why it wouldn't be allowed, this being said we would certainly limit this to one ball possession by player to avoid any abuse.

I don't find any solid reason why it wouldn't be allowed

Hum... the wording of Dump Off seems a solid reason, IMHO.

I'd say DarkLoic is correct. Note that the dump off ability says, "If this player WOULD become the ball carrier". Dump Off is basically a replacement effect. Instead of the player with dump off becoming the ball carrier, you can move it to a different friendly player at the matchup instead. And if you try to move it to one of your other dump-off guys, you again have the *option* of moving it to another player at the match.

It's basically two very polite people looking at a ball on the ground and saying, "You can have it good fellow,"

"Oh no, I insist that you take it"

"Oh I just couldn't good sir! Please, you have it."

"Oh no, no, no, it's your turn - please - pick up."

"Well I don't want to!"

"Well I don't want to either!"

The flavor of dump-off is probably what's confusing you. The idea of the flavor is that the guy catches the ball and then hands it off to another player. This would mean, flavor-wise, that he becomes the ball carrier at one point. However, rules-wise he never *actually* becomes the ball carrier. If he would, he can let someone else snap up the ball instead. That's why it isn't an infinite combo.

I dunno, thematically you could make it work too -think of it like the ball is flying towards and he's plaming/patting the ball off in the direction of a guy next to him. The first receiver never has hold of or significant control of the ball so never counts as 'catching' it or being the carrier... but he can give it a quick (maybe 1 handed) touch/pat to direct it towards another player.

Only when one of them catches it and has a secure hold of it is he 'carrying' the ball

Simples :)

lol id totally love to here the official ruling of this one guys, thanks for bringing it up :)

No official ruling needed, it's already obvious how this should work.

Dump Off works before player becomes the ball-carrier, and if Dump Off is triggered - the player who triggered it never actually had the ball.

Edited by MyNeighbourTrololo

well today I got to see my friend attempt this lol, however since she is the humans her throwers being only two stars, she just realized its harder for this to happen when any of your opponents have any tacklers to get em down. that being said, for someone to effectively use this they would need to start out with someone with guard, if that guard gets downed it just gets harder from there lol and by the time they do get both dump off players, they only have 1 to 3 cards left. and they cant really get too much benefit if they have one card left. not that its not cheap or a messed up thing to pull in a game, but seeing how hard it is to pull off, id give my friend or any player the benefit of getting the skills over like that lol especially if its the cheating skill lol.