hello this is a write up of a major "boss" ship for a campaign I am writing. This beast is not going to show up till level 6 or 7 and is the flagship of the Morr dynasty ( which is not based in the kronus expanse, but has brought it's fleet in to take over the players holdings.)
I Mostly envisioned it as a fleet breaker and command ship.
It is mostly kited out for long range combat while the support ships move in and engage the targets at short range. It also has great anti-boarding defense incase anyone gets too close.
Despite it's awesome firepower I believe it's Achilles heel ( the fact that 3 components tend to explode if damaged, not to mention the loss of power if the Aux plasma banks go up) should mean that determined or smart explorers should have a fighting chance...if they survive the first broadside lol.
Name- The Drakes Trumpet
Class- Repulsive grand cruiser
detection +20
maneuverability +18
turret rating-3(4)
weapons-1 prow, 1 dorsal, 2port 2 starboard
crew rating-50
past history-wrested from space hulk
Quirk- wrothful
vessel of the fleet -2SP version
space-90 (90 used)
power 96(107) 107 used
essential componets
plasma drive-best saturine class S
Warp engine-mislnslav h616b
void shields-triple void array
bridge-fleet flag bridge
life sustainers-vitue pattern
crew quarters-voidsman
augur array- deep void
geller field-warpsbane
supplemental componets
4X Best quality best turbo hecutor-patteren plasma broadsides (2 port/2 starboard)
range 13, strength 6, dam 1d10+3, crit 4
prow- fortis-pattern torpedo tubes
dorsal- best quality void sunder lance- range 7 dam 1d10+5, crit 3
best quality aux plasma bank
flak turrets
observation dome
reinforced bulkheads
best quality barracks
best quality tenebro-maze
several atomics
crew improvement
best quality storm troopers
torpedo load out-24 standard plasma( 6 in tubes)
12 standared melta warheads
12 seeking vortex
bonuses- good rep imperial navy
+5 navigation
+20 command(+50 to repel hit-and-runs/boarding)
any feedback would be appreciated, is it too much?, are players going to rip it apart?, is my math way off?
I included to updated weapon stats to show which stats changed with the improvements.
Just for theory it's support fleet will probably include 3-4 raiders/ frigates, 3 carrier light cruisers, and a cruiser with 1-2 support ships( freighters/ troop ships).