2v2 Play?

By Ikuto, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions

**I wasn't able to find any previous threads via search in the forums and google search yields negligible results**

Has anyone tried playing any 2v2 (or 4v4 6v6 etc.) variants? If you have have you noticed any issues or found a best possible setup?

I myself had been toying with the idea of two Corporations vs two Runners. Normal rules for each player with some minor adjustments; Score to win is 14 agenda points and are shared by the team, Corporations may only advance their own cards, but may install Ice on a team member's server. Funding is not shared.

I don't have the link right now, but search for Netrunner Big Sell-Out. Probably the best variant I've seen for four (potentially more) players.

Our normal gaming group of 4 has been playing 2 Runner vs. 2 Corp, with normal victory conditions (7 agenda points per side, either runner flatlined, either corp decked). I initially thought it was strangely balanced, but after a few weekends in that format we have determined it favors the runners much too heavily. We alternate turns corp-runner-corp-runner, but it still gives the runners 8 full clicks to take advantage of a corp in a bad position. While this leaves the other corp a free turn, this only balances if the corp is fully ready to jump on the chance.

We are doing a sponsored corp-runner format now with each side having a corp and runner, and the corp can spend a click and a credit to give their runner 3 credits. Same 7pt shared vcitory conditions. This plays more like two individual games rather than a true 4 player table, but is much more balanced.

We may try the Big Sell-out sometime, but I want to seriously pare down all the additional house rules to start with.

Yeah, I was able to try out the 2 Corp vs 2 Runner with 14 Agenda Points... It was terrible, mid way through the hour-ish long game, we decided just to cut it down 7 points. Although it was working pretty well, Jinteki locking up remotes and HB with quick Agenda Scoring. Though one runner flat lined, the other managed to score the last Agenda.

Would it even be feasible to use same colour sleeves and mix in a minimum of 30 Runner cards and 30 Corp cards. You would have to have generally a larger number of programs and ICE, but Events and Operations interchangeably. So every player can be offensive and defensive and equally bluff.


Edited by Ikuto

Edited by Ikuto