Theories on FaD's Obligation/Duty Equivalent

By Shakespearian_Soldier, in General Discussion

I couldn't find a thread focused on this discussion. Apologies if there is one.

What do you all think will be the core 'mechanic' in terms of an Obligation/Duty equivalent for the FaD rulebook? Perhaps a mechanic to gauge your understanding of the Force itself - a value which would need to be increased by tracking down holocrons and Masters, or through venturing into long-forgotten Force temples and sites?


I think there's a thread on this somewhere, but I might be thinking of the one started on the d20radio forums. I think there are 2 major theories.

The first theory is Destiny. Very similar to Saga in that the PC has an ultimate destiny that is being tracked and gauged. The second theory is the substitute mechanic could be a darkside/lightside gauge. This one doesn't seem as plausible, but it certainly fits the theme.

If there is plenty of options for non-force users in FaD then I don't see the second theory holding up. Granted non-force users can go darkside or be paragons of light, but it's not as expressed in canon as it is with the force users.

I don't know... A Jedi must have the deepest commitment.

The higher the commitment to a force tradition, the more advantages. I exoect the careers and specialties to be generic such as warrior sorcerer, etc. And possibly some specialties reprinted. There are enough force using pilots around.

As you get a deeper commitment to a faction you unlock certain upgrades to a power. The Jedi with foresee can add deflect/defense to their lightsabers.

Edited by That Blasted Samophlange

Unless I am mistaken, I don't think the F&D book will be exclusively Force careers. If that is the case I don't think the mechanic will be something focused on Jedi, but something applicable to all types of characters. I see a good argument for Commitment as it can apply across character types. It is also related to the other two mechanics, Obligation and Duty, but a different facet. They all compel you towards certain actions for different and, sometimes, the same reasons. But their process for doing so is different. Obligation has a sense of debt. Duty is a sense of doing for a greater cause. Commitment is something you feel personally. Obviously there is a lot overlap and nothing is ever that simple, but I can see Commitment being a good choice.

Edited by mouthymerc

All good points! I can see Destiny, Alignment and Commitment all working; or perhaps the second option could be PART of the third, with Light/Dark Side actions hindering or helping your Commitment, whatever it is.

While I don't think the "Alignment" mechanic will necessarily be our Obligation/Duty equivalent, I am very interested to see what FFG does with Light/Dark Side alignments, if anything.

Same here. Very keen to see how they handle it, though I hope it doesn't deviate too much from the narrative guidelines they've put in place for EOTE and AOR.

Given we've got Obligation (negative effects when it comes up) and Duty (positive effects when it comes up), I am curious to see what sort of mechanic FFG will use for Force-users. Leaning towards Destiny being the name, and it likely having a positive effect given how destiny seems to be a very powerful thing for Force-users in this 'verse. Plus, said Destiny doesn't necessarily have to do specifically with the Force; Saga Edition allowed everyone to have a destiny, that being a set objective that was their life's purpose (though they may not have known it until the moment it was realized); examples being Thrawn educating Palleon to be the awesome leader he became during the NJO era, and the A-Wing pilot in RotJ to destroy/disable the Executor during the Endor battle.

While I don't think the "Alignment" mechanic will necessarily be our Obligation/Duty equivalent, I am very interested to see what FFG does with Light/Dark Side alignments, if anything.

Well, they've mentioned for the F/S Exile (EotE) and F/S Emergent (AoRB) that more advanced Force-users have to worry about the long-term consequences of too readily calling upon the dark side (i.e. using those Dark Side pips you rolled on your Force Dice), so there's bound to be something, particularly once the option to go beyond Force Rating 3 is officially introduced in roughly 7 months (next August for GenCon 2014).

Seven months... only good thing about such a wait is that it gives my campaign ample time to evolve into a state of readiness for its inclusion!

Whatever it is, I'm sure it will work in complement to the others. You can have both Duty and Obligation with crossover characters, it would be nice to work in a morality-based "third dimension" to these.

While I don't think the "Alignment" mechanic will necessarily be our Obligation/Duty equivalent, I am very interested to see what FFG does with Light/Dark Side alignments, if anything.

I'm hoping they keep up the good work of doing absolutely nothing about it.

Some sort of destiny mechanic seems likely to me as well.

The major criteria would seem to be that it should be generally available and applicable to all character types and be able to operate in conjunction with Duty and Obligation.