Corruption Card Activation Question

By benstucky, in Relic

Hey There,
Need a dispute settled about Corruption card rules.
The Situation-
Player has 1 corruption card face up with a Power Number of 1.
He has been instructed to draw 2 more Corruption cards.
He draws one with a power number of 2 and one with a power number of 4. Both say play face up (activate).
Which of the following outcomes is correct?
1) Since the total number of corruption cards is 3, the Corruption card with a Power Number of 2 does not activate but it is played face down AND he turns over (deactivates) the already face up Corruption card with a Power Number of 1. He must then activate the Corruption card with a Power Number of 4.

2) Since the total number of corruption cards is 3, the the Corruption card with a Power Number of 2 does not activate but it is played face down. The already activated face up Corruption card with a Power Number of 1 continues to remain in effect. He must then activate the Corruption card with a Power Number of 4.

So basically one of us thinks that you shed corruptions of a lower power number as you gain corruption cards. The other thinks that if a Corruption card is active, you can't discard it unless you land on a space or have a card that allows you to discard it or deactive it- no matter how many corruption cards you have (up to the corruption threshold).


Which of the following outcomes is correct?

Neither. First off, let's get the nonsense about Corruption 2 NOT activating if Corruption level is at 3 out of the way:

"If the Corruption card’s activation number is less than or

equal to the total number of Corruption cards a player

has, the card activates and remains faceup in his play

area." (p. 17)

Second, in the example Corruption 1 is active. You need to draw 2 cards, so you draw one, Corruption 2, since you now have two Corruption, it activates. You then draw the second required Corruption, giving you three Corruption. However, since it is a Corruption 4, it does not activate and is placed facedown.

Dam is correct. Also, whenever you're required to draw more than one Corruption card, you draw one card at a time, and check against your current Corruption status, if it activates, then draw the next one.

There's one interesting Corruption card, called The Lost and the Damned(with activation number 3). It instructs you upon activation to discard all your facedown/flipped down corruption cards, and draw the same number of cards from the Corruption deck.

I believe what that means is that your Corruption status is temporarily reduced/reset to the number of faceup Corruption you currectly have(including The Lost and the Damned), and you draw new cards one at a time, checking if they activate against your escalating Corruption.

Here's one I haven't seen a post for.

Slave to Darkness instructs you to draw another corruption card after flipping. However Slave to darkness activates on two corruption cards meaning drawing another card causes it to activate, flip, activate, flip, activate and so on.

What is the correct procedure for these types of cards?

Note that there are several Slave to Darkness, I think all the way from activation number 2 to 5. When you draw StD (LOL :lol: ), check to see if it activates. If yes, do what it says, meaning flip it and draw the next. It is possible to get into a StD streak by drawing several in a row. Happened to us in a recent game, Assassin with 3 corruption draw StD, StD and another card as a result, hitting 6 corruption and becoming Corrupted.

That naughty Assassin. What has she been doing to deserve such a cruel fate? Or should I say who? ^_^