After spectacularly failing to complete the quest after eight tries I'm desperately needing any advice at all for beating this thing.
How can Battle of Lake-Town be beaten
You might want to give this a read at the Tales of the Cards blog.
Thanks for the heads-up about the TftC article.
After dumping my old deck designs and building two new decks using the same heroes (Gimli, Ori and Thalin & Balin, Nori and Thorin Oakenshield) using the advice in the article I finally managed to grind out a eight-turn win
mostly because of extremely good draws from my decks and some lucky draws from the encounter decks.
Next I'm trying the Hobbit missions.
JUst a question ... with whom you were defending on this ?
In the games i have won I either had an army of low cost chump blockers or Frodo.
Glarung beat this in his video series I believe.
It is the hardest POD quest out there
You might want to give this a read at the Tales of the Cards blog.
only problem here is that controls two decks and not solo or multiplayer
Check this out:
Check this out:
Ah yes here is the masterful playthrough