This deck has laid flat pretty much everything I've thrown it against so far. Its quite consistent, and really fast out of the gate 9/10 times.
There are a bunch of great starts for the deck, and I think thats part of its strength. Although its not combo intensive, so if you lose a part of the puzzle its not going to completely cripple your game.
Resource and location control and destruction are at the fore. But there are some good tricks for character control as well. Its only real weakness could be mass kill like a Valar when you have no dupes down, etc. Otherwise, your opponent is going to be hard pressed to afford extra effects if they want to keep up with you in board position at all.
Agenda: Kings of Winter
----- Plots (7) -----
A Time for Ravens x1
The Winds of Winter x1
A Song of Summer x1
Fleeing to the Wall x1
Blockade x1
Building Season x1
Fury of the Lion x1
----- Characters (30) -----
Mountain Refugee x3
* Janos Slynt x1
Carrion Bird x3
* Ser Jaime Lannister x2
* Tyrion Lannister x2
* Tywin Lannister x2
* Ser Ilyn Payne x1
* The Hound x2
* Chella, Daughter of Cheyk x2
* Bronn x1
Lannisport Steward x3
Lannisport Weaponsmith x3
* Maester Aemon x1
* Ser Lancel Lannister x1
Castellan of the Rock x3
----- Locations (11) -----
Golden Tooth Mines x1
* Queen Cersei's Chambers x1
The Goldroad x3
Sunset Sea x3
Street of Steel x1
Shadowblack Lane x1
Street of Sisters x1
----- Attachments (12) -----
Taxed Dry x3
War Horn x3
White Raven x3
Summer Tax x3
----- Events (12) -----
Insidious Ways x3
I'm You Writ Small x3
A Lannister Pays His Debts x3
Support of the Kingdom x3
----- Total Cards (65) -----
I'd really like to be able to bring it down to 60 cards, as the milling with Summer Tax and card draw become much more potent when you've got everything running at maximum efficiency.
There are still things I wish I had room to add too. Namely more protection for my big investments like Tywin. I'll probably at least try and fit a 3rd copy of him in here. Bodyguard's are about the only other viable option, being usable on Tywin, Tyrion, and Jaime. Yes, The Hound isn't the best choice most of the time... but he's an absolute favorite character of mine, and until a different version comes out I'll be running him in all my Lanni decks. :-P (He's good cheap Mil strength early when Winter hits at least, sometimes I'll Warhorn him too, as wasting a kill on him can feel unsatifying to my opponent, but they'll want to nix him anyway.)
Great synergies:
Chella with a War Horn and a Mountain Refugee on the table. I've pulled this off first turn more than once. You can kill an expensive location with the Warhorn, and bounce one with Chella's response from her challenge. Then follow up in Power with the Refugee and bounce another with Chella's response. I've even followed it up with a Support of the Kingdom to steal a location all right off the bat, leaving me way ahead on locations. I really should consider a 3rd copy of her just to max it out.
The deck itself runs off a surprisingly small amount of locations on table at once. So flipping Fleeing to the Wall if my other location cards haven't been churning fast enough usually doesn't hurt me too badly at all. I have nothing to spend influence on in here, so the Seas are always just a one-off discount for me. The deck tends to win fast enough that it doesn't hurt in the long run either.
Janos Slint. Typically viewed as a rather mediocre card, his ability combined with resource control has really screwed my opponents on more occasions that even I'd originally anticipated. Targ players and Stark players (with annoying little Arya) will often find themselves without the gold they'd need to cover the additional cost. Wish I could figure out something to sub out for a 2nd copy of him sometimes.
The rest is pretty self explanatory with some of Lannister's strongest cards, I'm Writ You Small, A Lannister Pays His Debts, etc.
This doesn't include anything from the last CP of the cycle, as I haven't picked any up yet. However, I'm not sure theres actually anything in there that'd I'd want to change out. This deck is relatively unaffected by Men With No King... (And good luck affording those actions gold costs anyway!)