EotE Original Fonts

By Dalagrath, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG


I am currently working on a large project for EotE and want to make it look as close to official supplement as possible. I cannot for the life of me find the original EotE book fonts.

The following fonts I have searched for a few hours now trying to find. Any help is appreciated.

Elektra Pro

Teuton Mager

ITC Symbol Book and Bold

Just be aware that you could have to change it if your item looks too much like an official one and you make it available to others due to copyright/trademark of trade dress.

Are these the same fonts used in Age of Rebellion and Force and Destiny?

I'm AFB, but one would assum so. If not, they are probably very similar.

Some sites like Obsidian Portal for managing games don't allow you to upload fonts. I think that's why people are looking specifically for Google Fonts that look similar.