Thousand Thrones Expansions

By master yoda, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

I was getting ready to start the Thousand Thrones and have found Expansion 1,2 and the Overview on-line. I see that within these pdf's they mention a 3,4 and 5 expansion. Does anyone have or know where I can find these? I would really like to have them. They seem to add a lot to the campaign.

Thanks in advance!

They haven't been published. Yet. As I understand it they are/were almost finished. I cannot remember why they are not out yet but you will have much better chance of finding it out by consulting the Strike-to-Stun forum.

Glad you've been enjoying the TTT expansions, master yoda! There are indeed outlines for Expansions #3-6. Expansions #3-4 are about 40% written in 1st draft (half of which requires heavy editing or-revision).

The next TTT expansion will actually be a self-contained 22-page prologue scenario by Wayde Zalken, called The Maiden Voyage of the Gilded Drake . We now have all the artwork elements, so after a year+ delay it's almost ready for release. This prologue scenario introduces all 5 NPC employers organically through play, and also foreshadows some of the campaign meta-plots. There are no plans to resume the TTT Expansion project after the Gilded Drake prologue, because despite all the work that's been done thus far on #3-6, there's still a mountain of work ahead, and not enough man-hours to handle it.

Thank you for your reply Herr Arnulfe. Do you happen to know when this prologue will be out. I know it won't be ready but I'm looking at starting this on December 12th.

Would you be willing to share the drafts with a possibility of finishing and helping with the project even if it is "dead".

Do you have any outlines, at least, that you could share with us so we could try to work out some of the details. There seems to be some good ideas that are started in the expansions but still have loose ends.

Gilded Drake will definitely be released before the end of November. Wayde just has to revise some of the text to match the final ship deckplan. Everything else is done.

There is a TTT development forum at Liber Fanatica where all the outlines and drafts in progress are posted. If you register there and send me your login name by PM, I'll give you access.

You can also PM me either here or at LF, and I'll send you my email address to discuss the planned but unwritten material.

I'm planning to begin TTT campaign with my friends and I've found the expansions of LF very interesting to complete it.

The link to the development forum is dead, and I sincerely hope that this thread is not.

I've downloaded resume and expansions 1 and 2, but unfortunately, despite my efforts, I haven't been able to find even

drafts of expansions 3 to 6. :'( (from what I've read here, it's normal, but disapointing grrr :) )

Herr Arnulfe, since you're the project leader of this work, if you are still following this topic, can you tell me if it would be possible to get drafts for expansions 3 to 6 ? (english or french, no prob). I think my players would enjoy the conspiracy of plots and intrigues very very much :D

Thank you in advance for your replies. (If anyone else has info or drafts of these expansions, PM me please)

Herr Arnulfe, I PM you with this post ;)

Apologies for the LF dev forum being down. The threads haven't been lost, but unfortunately I can't fix the forum until my computer is returned from the repair shop with all the backed up files (including the LF domain logins and passwords).

There's some draft material on the dev forums for TTT Expansions 3-4 - but not so much for Ex 3-6 beyond outlines. I can also send you the Prologue scenario which is 99% finished as soon as my computer is returned.

Edited by Herr Arnulfe

I think the liber fanatica website still has my old wfrp3 conversion of this campaign if you're interrested :-)

Edited by Gallows

Herr Arnulfe, i hope you get your PC back soon.

I would love to get my hands on the prologue too - I am running TTT atm and would love to have some more background.

If your running in 3rd edition, I have some notes and handouts. Not the same level of stuff I had for Enemy Within but 3rd tracks and handouts for some scenes, my own take on Karl and 3e rules for his aura etc., some cards including "Karl, Light of Your Life" card one if you become a Karlist that makes it "not completely sucky" (it's Inspiring being around him you know), and "Marsh Perils" random stuff done as 3e effect "cards" to pull (those just in Word not fancy).

I strongly suggest reading the whole thing, at times it's very apparent chapters written by different people. Way on in you meet figures in the Crusade it really would have been good to mention much earlier on etc.

I suggest treating it more as a "buffet" than a "fixed menu" (e.g., there is wide criticism of the Chicken Hunt episode appearing just as an urgent mission is being departed on).

Witch's Song is good to have to help with 3e marsh stuff.

I also developed 3e vampires more since the basic ones are "generic" and TT has different bloodlines, a simple set of those rules are in the Steward of Grauwerk adventure, around page 39 or so, I have a longer file with more "how to differentiate bloodlines" stuff.

Edited by valvorik

Every background would be interesting to get ideas.

I forgot to tell that I'm playing WRFP 2nd edition , I wasn't convinced by the ideas of playing with cards.

In my own humble opinion, roleplaying is better with just charcater sheets, dices and imagination. I do nevertheless agree that evryone should play in their own fashion, just enjoy.

PM me, I will give my email to get stuff ;)

Hey There Guys

I noticed with interest you guys talking about 3e conversions of The Thousand Thrones. I've heard very good things about that campaign but so far have dismissed it based on it being after the storm of chaos. Just wondering how you got around that or whether you simply ran it with 3E rules and kept the Storm of Chaos setting as it is. Gallows you make mention of your 3E conversion materials being available on Liber Fanatica site. But I don't see it. Or if it's there I'm looking in the wrong place. Any chance you could send me a copy of the conversion you did? Likewise Valvorik if you've got 3e notes to hand I'd love to see them.

Thanks in advance for the help guys.


I did not run it with Storm of Chaos having happened, in fact ran it as a "run up to the storm" (explaining in the end just where Valten came from...). No "storm of chaos" or changes in Grand Theogonist, there is still a "would-have-been-next" Grand Theogonist Esmer.

Send me an e-mail and I'll send you some things - let me know if you want Word or PDF. Not as organized as my Enemy Within stuff and often having more of my campaign PC's backgrounds etc. built into them, but some things probably useful such as 3e rules for Karl and "Karl Light of My Life" card of effects to make it "not all sucky" (also reflecting my explanation of what Karl is), "Dubious Pleasures of the Cursed Marsh" travel card cf my One Ring-inspired approach, a deck of "Marsh Perils" to draw from - translated into 3e etc.

I also used these sources:

This was also where I started my conversion of vampire rules to make 3e vampires more interesting (they are mostly in the Steward of Grauwerk adventure).

Edited by valvorik

It is prob on my upcoming campaign after my hiatus. Good thread

Did anyone get the prologue material? I would really like to see it. PM me if you did. Otherwise i will pm a few on this thread directly.


All I did manage to get hold of the prologue and rough drafts of some further material. Contact Herr Arnaulfe on here and he will provide the mana.