Crafthulhu ~ And You!

By The Professor, in Fan Creations

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Several Arkhamites whom I respect, including my friend and AH-colleague, Julia have asked me to inform everyone of our new site, . Coming on the heels of our successful Kickstarter Project earlier this year, we've decided to launch a website for one year to gauge the fan and potential customer base for our thematic card holders and component trays.

"Joe, the stuff looks great....really cool. Next time I get my royalty check I will probably order some of the stuff. Please consider making card holders for Eldritch Horror "

- Richard Launius

I've received some outstanding feedback from Philadelphia, PA to Perth, Australia and the website will evolve over time as I continue to receive recommendations and suggestions regarding the layout, item descriptions, color palette, and pictures. I do hope you'll take the time to check it out and let us know what you think.



Edited by The Professor

Every time I see these component holders I fall in love with them all over again. But I would like to know: are these holders able to accommodate every component from every expansion at the same time, including monster tokens?

YES! Musha, they are incredible. I received mine a couple of weeks ago, and there is no way any video or picture could describe what they really look like. A superb masterpiece.


I'm sorry I'm late with an answer...Julia's response is incredibly kind, and thankfully, very accurate. I've taken dozens of pictures and there's over an hour of video on the pieces, but there's nothing quite like having them in your hand or better yet, on your gaming table.

I hope you'll consider purchasing a few for your own game and take it to the next level.

Happy Gaming,


Additionally, Musha (Joe, correct me if I'm wrong), the pieces were actually designed considering the chance Arkham could be further expanded, so that the Neighborhood displays could host 10+ more cards (all sleeved). Same for the other pieces, IIRC some private conversations had with Joe over the years.

Julia is spot-on! All of the pieces were created with an ever-evolving game...check out the site as I'll post more pictures in the days and weeks ahead.