Koronus Expanse to Koronus Sector

By Regis Eisen, in Rogue Trader

My thought is as follows: The Mathmatical Necron mind would probably Prioritize the Tyranid Bioship as the greater immediate threat to "their" world. (The Human cockroaches could be anhihilated or enslaved later. The Tyranids, Being highly psychically attuned would be anathema to the the necros!) This would make The Necrons an odd "ally of convenience" as they engaged the Bioship. The trick would be finding the right time to turn on the Tombship before it decides to eat their star!

All we need now are some Blood Angels to show up and broker the initial deals...and bring Termies to bust up the Cairn when convenient. :P

At least one company of BA and a Battlebarge! With any luck there will be that much less red cheese in the galaxy! ;) :P (Is my Distaste for the Blood Angels showing? Have trouble accepting twilight vampire space marines...Just sayin! :rolleyes: :o

"Twilight Vampire Space Marines" - I will HAVE to remember that one next time I talk to our regular bloodangle player.....

As for the campaign, I'm glad you guys are finding it entertaining. Its certainly got my players toup their game a little bit over the last two sessions.

I do have a quick question though, does anyone have any experience of dealing with psykers under the shadow of the Nid Hive Mind? The groups Primus Psyker nearly threw a fit at the end of last session when the Nids arrived as he thinks his character is useless unless he has full access to his psi abilities.



This might more depend on how you are using the rule, or what version, but in DW, so long as he stays away from the critters who make it (and most Nids don't), say 60 meters away, his psychic powers SHOULD be unaffected, and unlike a null field, powers entering the shadow shouldn't be weakened; this is my understanding of the trait, anyway. If a full-fledged Tyranid Hive Fleet has arrived, and is broadcasting the system-wide blanket that they do, he's got bigger things to worry about than a moderate penalty. Even Chaos books it when the Shadow in the Warp blankets a system, as their powers wither, their Daemons blink out, and their courage wavers.

Otherwise, remind him that Psykers, one of my favorite character types, can often be cheese, with few in the way of limiters. He can live with this rare example of power diminish, just like anyone else can live with their ammo running dry.

New log is up, the psyker card didn't get played as the player couldn't make the session, so i've got a fortnight to ponder how to handly the mechanics of it.

Otherwise enjoy the read, its a bit longer than the last one.



One of things I've noticed missing: Outside the direct sphere of Imperial holdings a Rogue trader speaks "With the sole authority of the lords of Terra and by extension the Emperor himself." A Rogue trader is a Peer of the Imperium. About the same political standing as an Astartes Chapter master! If the expanse were to be "organized" into a sector most Rogue traders would still be considered the owners and governor's of any planetary holdings because in founding said colonies they were appointing themselves so "by the holy authority of the lords of Terra". Of course this could lead to a number of brushfires as competing claims arose.

Competing claims by who? As long as the duly appointed governors keep paying their Imperial tithe, who's going to complain?

Calligos Winterscale and Ayspyce Chorda each have a claim on that one planet, so they will both complain, especially when the Imperium shows up, and it must be decided who will pay what tithes, or send their own representatives, if neither is up to it. Many of their other powers will be null and void in the Imperium, so they must either leave, ahead of the tide of rule, or stay, and lose some power to maintain their hold on money/resources. Those tithes are also spendy, so some RTs might not want to pay the distant Imperium, who just got a lot closer.

This would be one heck of a huge campaign to pull off, but I would love to try my hand at it! This is the kind of goal that can normally only be accomplished with a Bioware game!

This would be one heck of a huge campaign to pull off, but I would love to try my hand at it! This is the kind of goal that can normally only be accomplished with a Bioware game!

As the madman/GM who IS currently running this campaign, yes its a little on the large side!

We haven't even got to the meat of it yet (my players still don't know they are helping setup a mass invasion of the expanse) and its already involved Necron Tomb Worlds, Nid cults, and inter-inquisitor political back-stabbing.

As for who controls what in a new sector, well this is the imperium - whoever is still alive at the end will claim the prize.



hi all,

Just to let you know session 6's notes are now up on the log. With session 7 running tonight hopefully we will get back to weekly updates again.



Session 7 is now up, if people need anything explain in this one let me know as it referenced some earlier parts of the campaign.



So, how specific are most Warrants on your haunts? Does the Warrant mandate that you do your deeds in the Koronus Expanse, or just "outside the Imperium's boundaries?" I ask because the elevation of Expanse to Sector would be the doom of every Rogue Trader in the Expanse, who don't want to have the Imperium, and the Inquisition, paying so close attention to their actions. Were I a Rogue Trader, and smelling the impending end of my actions in the Expanse, could I just fly over to the next space over, still benefiting from my now Imperial interests, while going to cultivate more, or am I stuck in the Expanse, now a Sector, and done with being a Rogue Trader?

So, how specific are most Warrants on your haunts? Does the Warrant mandate that you do your deeds in the Koronus Expanse, or just "outside the Imperium's boundaries?" I ask because the elevation of Expanse to Sector would be the doom of every Rogue Trader in the Expanse, who don't want to have the Imperium, and the Inquisition, paying so close attention to their actions. Were I a Rogue Trader, and smelling the impending end of my actions in the Expanse, could I just fly over to the next space over, still benefiting from my now Imperial interests, while going to cultivate more, or am I stuck in the Expanse, now a Sector, and done with being a Rogue Trader?

Depends on the Warrant actually. But I suspect that any Rogue Trader worth his salt would just cash in their holdings for more influence in the newly established sector and themselves move on to greener pastures knowing that behind them they have all kinds of freinds and family established as the noble houses of the area. Or perhaps the sector governor is a member of your Dynasty.

Lord Sector Calixis was granted the right to issue new Warrants of Trade specifically for the Koronus Expanse, binding many dynasties to the Calixis Sector. That's a built-in problem right there. Some of those would treasure their independence and power far more than the wealth and influence they would hold if they helped usher in the Imperium.

A Rogue Trader Civil War would be quite likely. No clear-cut lines, alliances, or anything.

I would imagine though that the ones who have their Warrants of Trade limited to just the Expanse would work the hardest to make it a Sector. The Imperium will not be denied forever, and they undoubtedly have so many clauses to their Warrants that it would be a relief to have a subsector or cluster of worlds firmly in their family's control.

I wasn't aware of that little factoid Marwynn! Good to know...

Hi all,

Getting my campaign back up and running properly after a month of Real Life getting in the way.

I've had a few one-on-one RP sessions with my players during that time as the end of the last session left them about to be grilled by the Inquisition AGAIN, so I decided to removed the potential to meta-game and do the interviews seperately.

This has also allowed me to advance a few personal plot lines that had been neglected and lets just say that our Mind Cleansed Arbite come bounty hunter now has an idea of what he actually was before he got his mind spring cleaned by the Inquisition. Now he doesn't have his actual memories back yet so his character isn't changing any time soon but what I might need at some point is a career that isn't in any of the 40K RP's yet - and thats where I'd like you fine people to pitch in.

I need a new Ascension/Deathwatch-level career for an Imperial Knight Pilot :)

I'm quite happy to build this myself, but I thought it would be cool to see what other people think of this and maybe turn it into a collaborative effort.

Personally I would prefer the career to be DH/RT/DW style with ranks etc, BUT I have no problem using the BC/OW/DH2 style system either. Also I will be fishing for Knight stats at some point but i know there are multiple threads on the OW forum to I'll take a look through there first before we reinvent the wheel.

So if your interested start posting, and for those who want the story line bit that should be arriving over the coming week.



Hi all,

Getting my campaign back up and running properly after a month of Real Life getting in the way.

I've had a few one-on-one RP sessions with my players during that time as the end of the last session left them about to be grilled by the Inquisition AGAIN, so I decided to removed the potential to meta-game and do the interviews seperately.

This has also allowed me to advance a few personal plot lines that had been neglected and lets just say that our Mind Cleansed Arbite come bounty hunter now has an idea of what he actually was before he got his mind spring cleaned by the Inquisition. Now he doesn't have his actual memories back yet so his character isn't changing any time soon but what I might need at some point is a career that isn't in any of the 40K RP's yet - and thats where I'd like you fine people to pitch in.

I need a new Ascension/Deathwatch-level career for an Imperial Knight Pilot :)

I'm quite happy to build this myself, but I thought it would be cool to see what other people think of this and maybe turn it into a collaborative effort.

Personally I would prefer the career to be DH/RT/DW style with ranks etc, BUT I have no problem using the BC/OW/DH2 style system either. Also I will be fishing for Knight stats at some point but i know there are multiple threads on the OW forum to I'll take a look through there first before we reinvent the wheel.

So if your interested start posting, and for those who want the story line bit that should be arriving over the coming week.



Just have to take a moment to say: Grrr... Hate knights!!! Wanna be half baked mech pilots because GW was too lazy to develop actual titans for tabletop! I'm not sure where the knight even fits in to 40k lore (although they've actually been there for a LONG time!). Knights in the Original Lore were a form of second-rate mini-titans that most Imperial forces tended to skip over in favor of the "Gods that walk" from the adeptus mechanicus. I actually have the forge world Wolfhound "scout" titan and I'm pretty sure it would chew up and spit out the knight! Just sayin! I wish GW (Or at least ffg) would go with rules for the Collegio Titanicus rather than the knights. An Overlord titan would be very difficult to represent on TT but in an RPG it might be more doable!

Just have to take a moment to say: Grrr... Hate knights!!! Wanna be half baked mech pilots because GW was too lazy to develop actual titans for tabletop! I'm not sure where the knight even fits in to 40k lore (although they've actually been there for a LONG time!).

Knights in the Original Lore were a form of second-rate mini-titans that most Imperial forces tended to skip over in favor of the "Gods that walk" from the adeptus mechanicus.

I actually have the forge world Wolfhound "scout" titan and I'm pretty sure it would chew up and spit out the knight! Just sayin!

I wish GW (Or at least ffg) would go with rules for the Collegio Titanicus rather than the knights. An Overlord titan would be very difficult to represent on TT but in an RPG it might be more doable!

They are actually pretty old as far as fluff has always gone. I used to have the old metal minis, including some Eldar Knights that were pretty cool. I believe they were originally created by copying the idea from the Eldar, but it has been a long time since I read the olf fluff. They predate Titans by several thousand years, as they have always been from the Age of Technology, where Titans weren't created until after the Fall.

While your WARHOUND scout titan will destroy them individually, they were never created to fight Titans. In all reasonable likelyhood, Titans were based on the idea of making bigger Knights to better serve the needs of Mars.

The rules for most Titans have been out through Forgeworld for some time. Before that there was Adeptus Titanicus, which I played for years (Several decades ago). The problem is that they don't fit in the tabletop game well. They can't be ballanced for play with anything else, as they should be immune to personal weapons. That makes them an automatic win against any army without titan killing weapons, and therefore they scaled them down to the point where a battle cannon has some minor chance of killing one. If you really want to play Titan warfare, I recomend downloading Adeptus Titanicus. It was internally pretty ballanced and a lot of fun. The attempts they have made to allow Titans in tabletop has allways left a bad taste in my mouth, as a guy with a lascannon destroying a Warlord titan seems absurd.

Just have to take a moment to say: Grrr... Hate knights!!! Wanna be half baked mech pilots because GW was too lazy to develop actual titans for tabletop! I'm not sure where the knight even fits in to 40k lore (although they've actually been there for a LONG time!).

Since the 80'ies unless I'm much mistaken.

Knights in the Original Lore were a form of second-rate mini-titans that most Imperial forces tended to skip over in favor of the "Gods that walk" from the adeptus mechanicus.

Really? I remembered them as the guardians of the Adeptus Mechanicus from before the comming of the Emperor.

I actually have the forge world Wolfhound "scout" titan and I'm pretty sure it would chew up and spit out the knight! Just sayin!

Yes, it's a titan.

I wish GW (Or at least ffg) would go with rules for the Collegio Titanicus rather than the knights. An Overlord titan would be very difficult to represent on TT but in an RPG it might be more doable!

Warlord. I think you must mean a Warlord Titan.

I did mean Warlord titan! Sorry, My books are in another state right now! I am aware of the background of the knights. I just didn't care for them in the most recent iteration of 40k. Titans were originally meant to be a typically 40k over the top answer to FASA's Battlemechs which were very popular at the time (Being the original ones drawn from japanese anime!). Oops! Showing my age again! ;) Fortunately, the Titans developed a mystique all their own as the years progressed.

I do have a download of the adeptus titanicus rules somewhere and I agree with the poster who essentially said: Warlord titan appears on 40k TT. IoM wins! Everybody go home! Even In the Forgeworld rules I don't remember anything like the ability to take down a battle Titan with a Lascannon!

Anyway, I guess my point is sort of: If I wanted to play a battlemech I'd play Battletech. for 40k, I feel Titans fit the setting better!

I think I still have the old Adeptus Titanicus around somewhere...

Or the models at least

Titans can only be killed on the TT by volleys of Lascannons. You are forgetting the voidshields! I have a Warhound Titan as well! It was a wedding present from a friend and I mostly use it to scare my cats...

Titans can only be killed on the TT by volleys of Lascannons. You are forgetting the voidshields! I have a Warhound Titan as well! It was a wedding present from a friend and I mostly use it to scare my cats...

I have English Mastiffs. That would be...problematic! *envisions tug of war mach with $700.00 model!* :o

He is perched On top of my bookshelf overlooking my office as majestically as possible!

Mine is in a glass case along with a number of other High value targets. (Eldar Revenant, Eldar Cobra type II and Baneblade, to name a few!) All shielded from marauding canines! ;)

After a 3-years of real-time campaign (and many night sessions of roleplay) today my character is finally going to attain to title of Governor-General Militantes under the auspice of lord Sector Hax.

He will rule over the 'Damarian Sub-Sector' in the Koronus Exanse as an extension of the Calixis Sector itself. We comissioned a portrait of our group to commemorate this moment a few months ago.


I personally used some resources across internet to fabricate astral maps of our current campaing. You can use them for free if you want to:





Resume of things so far: Orks and Rak´Gol defeated. Karrad Vall really angry with us, so shitstorm is coming. Eldar hiding as usual. Houses/Dynasties Gallant, Ma´kao and Torian allied with our cause.

Edited by DeMarchese