Cthulhu is Calling on 11/16 (Portland, OR)

By Yipe, in CoC Organized Play

Mythos and Microbrews is meeting again on Saturday, November 16th for another round of beer and cards.

If you're interested in either Call of Cthulhu or beer - which covers most of the population on planet Earth - why not join us for a friendly game? We always have extra decks on hand and I'm happy to teach the rules. Our next tournament in December is designed with beginners in mind so it's a great time to start, plus everyone walks away with a prize!

Here are the details:

WHEN: Saturday, November 16th

WHERE: Guardian Games (NEW LOCATION)

345 SE Taylor St
Portland, OR 97215

TIME: 12-5 PM

WHAT TO BRING: I will be teaching people how to play Cenacle multiplayer games in preparation for our tournament on December 7th. Bring any tournament legal white-border deck and an appreciation for good beer. Let Cthulhu do the rest.

Be seeing you,


P.S. If you have any questions send me an email at [email protected].

Edited by Yipe

Just a quick reminder that Mythos and Microbrews is meeting this Saturday at Guardian Games. I should be there at noon.

I'll be running demos of Cenacle multiplayer in prep for our upcoming tournament on December 7th.

If you want to try Call of Cthulhu and happen to be in the area then feel free to stop by. We're a mellow group and beginners are always welcome. I'll have decks to barrow, plus there's beer on tap. It should be a good way to spend a rainy afternoon in Portland.

Edited by Yipe

How about the results and types of decks used in the December tournament? I played and still enjoy the write ups!

Hey Lazerous,

I've been waiting for CardGameDB to restore all of its features before putting up the multiplayer report and deck lists (card pop-up links, etc). They took them off line to work out some site instability issues and should hopefully bring them back soon. If they're not up and running by next week I'll post an AAR regardless.

