Mythos and Microbrews is meeting again on Saturday, November 16th for another round of beer and cards.
If you're interested in either Call of Cthulhu or beer - which covers most of the population on planet Earth - why not join us for a friendly game? We always have extra decks on hand and I'm happy to teach the rules. Our next tournament in December is designed with beginners in mind so it's a great time to start, plus everyone walks away with a prize!
Here are the details:
Saturday, November 16th
Guardian Games (NEW LOCATION)
345 SE Taylor St
Portland, OR 97215
12-5 PM
I will be teaching people how to play Cenacle multiplayer games in preparation for our tournament on December 7th. Bring any tournament legal white-border deck and an appreciation for good beer. Let Cthulhu do the rest.
Be seeing you,
P.S. If you have any questions send me an email at [email protected].