
By countrugen, in General Discussion

Hey folks, sorry if this is referenced somewhere, but when is this RPG "set" in terms of time?

For instance, I believe Edge of the Empire is set 5 years before the Battle of Yavin. Is Age of Rebellion at the same time? Or a couple years after EOTE?


Edge and age are both set roughly during the same period, the time covered by the original films give or take a few years. They just focus on different aspects of the period.

Edited by Ghostofman

Edge of the Empire is de jure set soon after the Death Star's destruction (hence between Episodes IV and V) while I understand Age of Rebellion to be set after Hoth (so during or after Episode V) as of the beta book.

Edge of the Empire is de jure set soon after the Death Star's destruction (hence between Episodes IV and V) while I understand Age of Rebellion to be set after Hoth (so during or after Episode V) as of the beta book.

I don't think Age of Rebellion really has that definite of a time setting, particularly as there'd only be a year between the Battle of Hoth and Battle of Endor. Plus, the EU has the Rebellion be a fairly coherent entity well before the Battle of Yavin, just not a very successful one in terms of major victories, the theft of the Death Star plans and destruction of the Death Star itself being their first two such achievements, thus proving the Alliance actually does have a chance against the Empire.

And both games can certainly be run during the Dark Times (time frame between RotS and ANH), swapping out the Rebel Alliance for some of the more coherent and better organized resistance groups, such as Garm Bel Ibis' faction or Kota's militia or even House Organa's covert operatives (this third one was the framework used for WotC's "Dawn of Defiance" mega-adventure).

Technically the armed freighter shown in AoR won't be made until after RotJ

Technically the armed freighter shown in AoR won't be made until after RotJ

I think this is what's generating all the weird "timeline" beliefs. Stats for stuff like the X-wing weren't in EotE so people assumed that meant it was supposed to "take place" before Yavin, when it actually meant that EotE isn't about the Rebellion so X-wings aren't something the core book needed.

The only real hints of exact dates that I can recall is the opening pages of each book talk about the destruction of the Death Star.

I have altered the timeline. Pray I don't alter it further.

I've always gotten the impression that EotE is ever so slightly before New Hope, that AoR was from during New Hope to Empire (with some overlap) - and I would presume that the Jedi book covers from Empire to Jedi (and beyond). But honestly - it doesn't matter. If you need 6 years in between Empire and Jedi, go for it. Sucks to be Solo, but take as much time as you need for the Endor showdown.

Technically the armed freighter shown in AoR won't be made until after RotJ

I think this is what's generating all the weird "timeline" beliefs. Stats for stuff like the X-wing weren't in EotE so people assumed that meant it was supposed to "take place" before Yavin, when it actually meant that EotE isn't about the Rebellion so X-wings aren't something the core book needed.

The only real hints of exact dates that I can recall is the opening pages of each book talk about the destruction of the Death Star.

Actually, one of the Edge materials specified certain elements that placed it firmly before ANH. Mention of the senate would, for example. If Jabba is mentioned in the present, again, it's pre ROTJ.

Both games are set "by default" directly after the first Death Star was destroyed. Neither is set "after" the other. The THEMES extant in the writings might evoke certain themes from each movie in the first trilogy, but timeline-wise they are concurrent at 0 ABY.

But yes, there are a lot of anachronisms. TIE Defender, to name another :)

Edit: what I meant by anachronisms is that, while we have been given a timeline as a guide for gaming, it would seem the devs themselves aren't too hung up on exactly "when" all this is happening.

Edited by awayputurwpn

The credits at the front of the EOTE rulebook mention the destruction of the Death Star, so we can assume the default assumption is that it's post-Yavin; however, you can feasibly set it at any point during that period, as you'd expect from a robust system and source of material.

My own game is beginning a full year before the Death Star I is destroyed, for instance.

It can and should be added that you can generally adjust AoR for "time slice" within the Galactic Civil War simply by precluding certain starships and enemies ( read : Darktroopers!) from showing up, and doing a more wholesale replacement the further that you go from the movie trilogy, because otherwise the rules are quite era-independent.