Any Players in the Binghamton, NY area?

By hey_yu, in 3. AGoT Organized Play

Was wondering if there were any AGoT players in the Binghamton, NY area? A friend and I got into the game recently and play at Jupiter Games in Vestal NY. Would be interested in getting together more often with other folks.

I live a bit of a ways from there, outside of Buffalo, but am always looking to find people to play with, especially since there really isn't anything going on here. I'd be willing to travel every once in a while to play though, especially if it was for some competitive/tournament play. Let me know what's going on over there.

As far as I know there isn't any organized play down here in Binghamton. I'm trying to find other folks interested in playing AGOT down here.

A friend of mine from Cincy is moving there soon - I'll make sure he sees this!

Sweet! The game store I go to down the Binghamton area is Jupiter Games: