Silhouette 3
Speed 4
Handling +1
Armor 2
Hull Trauma Threshold 16
System Strain Threshold 15
Crew: Pilot/Co-pilot
Passenger Capacity: 4
Consumables: 1 month
Hyperdrive: Primary Class 2
Backup: Class 15
Defense: Fore 0 Aft 1
Encumbrance Capacity:30
Hard Points:3
Laser Cannons Linked 1
So this is what I came up with. I used the fantasy flight miniature as a guide and designed the interior based loosely on submarine and Cessna interior designs. Entry and exit is through the cockpit windows that lift up, and through a dorsal topside hatch accessible by ladder. Since this is a more utilitarian design it made more sense make things as functional as possible. The left design is more accurate to the actual available space. The right design is too wide in the rear. The ship has limited overhead cargo space, airplane style. The rear room is a multipurpose galley/cabin/engine room and there are folding bunks the come out of the wall to total of 4 bunks. I made a decontamination shower/head since this was directly mentioned in Dark Forces. I imagine that these rear areas can be converted to more cargo space or passenger space. The Cessna caravan is slightly smaller than this ship and can hold 8 passengers. Floor panels lift up for system access/repairs.
Any thoughts, suggestions?