Ice Squadron - Custom Painted Rebel Ships

By SmartCookie, in X-Wing

Here's my Ice Squadron!

For more on how I painted my ships, have a look at my posts over at TeamCovenant:

Ice Squadron

Painting post 1

Painting post 2





EDIT: Ice Squadron's latest additions:





EDIT: And the ship hunting them down:


EDIT: My YT-2400:


Edited by Veldrin


That blue Y-wing with the white -- totally my favorite!

n ICE!


Looks awesome. I really like the blue.

Ice IS Nice!

I like it, nice and origional, as will as a slightly rag-tag rebellion feel.


Ironic but accurate.

looking sharp! only if i had more time to repaint my own.. im still trying to find time to just do the engine glow.

Love the HWK290

dundundundadadundun *tchish*

wow, awesome work. i esp like the Y-Wings.

Really awesome, my fav is the X-wing in the front!

Edited by Imperial Rebel

Oh man. These are all so great looking. Gotta' say though, the rugged appeal of the HWK-290 is just reaching out to me.

But that's to be expected. :P

Very well done. Is there going to be more to be added?

Very well done. Is there going to be more to be added?

Thank you!

Yes, I have two more X-Wings but am as of yet undecided if I should paint them or keep them as is to use when I play Luke/Biggs/Wedge. I will also be purchasing at least one more B-Wing.

Edited by Veldrin

These repaints kick ice.

Great paint jobs on all of these. I love the way they are all unique but are still visually part of the same theme.

I love the way they are all unique but are still visually part of the same theme.

That's exactly what I was aiming for. Glad it worked.


Ironic but accurate.

Chill out. ;)

Thank you all for the nice comments.

Soon Ice Squadron will have some new additions in form of additinal X-Wings, B-Wings, and eventually some Z-95s and an E-Wing or two.

Edited by Veldrin

One of the best custom paint jobs I have seen for the game. An utterly unique blue that catches your eye and makes them stand out wonderfully.

I look forwards to your new additions when you get them finished. I'm quite envious of your skills, and you really do have a cool, unique looking squad at your command. :3

Any plans for the GR-75 Transport or the Blockade Runner?

One of the best custom paint jobs I have seen for the game. An utterly unique blue that catches your eye and makes them stand out wonderfully.

Now I'm humbled...