Ice Squadron - Custom Painted Rebel Ships

By SmartCookie, in X-Wing

I look forwards to your new additions when you get them finished. I'm quite envious of your skills, and you really do have a cool, unique looking squad at your command. :3

Any plans for the GR-75 Transport or the Blockade Runner?

Right now I'm perfecting my next squad for an upcoming Store Tournament, painting an additional B-Wing and planning the paint schemes for future E-Wings and Headhunters.

Once the large Rebel ships hit retail I might pick up one of them, depending on what's in them besides the big ship. If I pick up the transport I can defenetly see myself painting it as Ice Squadron's transport.

EDIT: As the GR-75 Transport includes some really nice X-Wing pilots, I will undoubtedly pick up that one.

Edited by Veldrin

Added Ice Squadron's latest addition:


Really like your theme, and how the ships look different, but still unified!

My only gripe is they are a tad to clean for my liking - but that just me :)

Very nice flight group!

Very nice. Im just loving that icy blue.

Whisky on the rocks anyone?

Here is my work in progress of turning the GR-75 into Ice Squadron's chosen method of transportation:

1: Paint all the dark gray areas Ice Blue.

pic2016904_lg.jpg pic2016906_lg.jpg

2: Paint some of the plating white and drybrush white across the model.


3. Apply several layers of thinned down wash



I also painted the engineglow but failed to include it in any of the pictures....


Ironic but accurate.

Chill out. ;)

Oh come on, just Let It Go. :D

Seeing your beautiful fleet made me wanna take some inspiration from you...

Fire Squadron...?



Ironic but accurate.

Chill out. ;)

Oh come on, just Let It Go. :D >:C

Those are awesome and I would name my squad Cobalt Sq.

Any guide or paints you used?

I'm really inspired by this set OP!

I'm planning a repaint of all my Rebs, but didn't want them looking like a military unit. Your clever use of colour to unify the fleet while keeping individuality on each ship is really cool.
Once I get Emerald Squadron underway, I'll post some pix in the repaints thread.

Looks like the transport was sitting on Hoth fodder too long.

**** fine work mate.

You should post these in the repaint thread.

Help keep it front page

Nic. Like the weathered look.

Thanks for sharing these. I like the flanking Y-Wings with blue trim, but it is all good. I just love seeing people's repaints and creativity being injected into the game!

Just finished the ship hunting Ice Squadron:



Update with my YT-2400 and two more B-Wings:



Hive Mind! Some suggestions please.

I am about to paint my K-Wing and would like input on how to paint it to stand out as an important part of the squad but still uniform with the rest of the ships.

Here are my thoughts so far.

Base color, white/gray and Ice Blue as the rest but to show it's significance (it will be Miranda most of the time) I'd like to add a unique color (like the yellow I added to one of the B-Wings which tend to be a unique pilot when used). Perhaps to the missiles underneath the wings, on the top of the wings, or on the front of the ship.


All suggestions are welcome.

Edited by Veldrin

Hive Mind! Some suggestions please.

I am about to paint my K-Wing and would like input on how to paint it to stand out as an important part of the squad but still uniform with the rest of the ships.

Here are my thoughts so far.

Base color, white/gray and Ice Blue as the rest but to show it's significance (it will be Miranda most of the time) I'd like to add a unique color (like the yellow I added to one of the B-Wings which tend to be a unique pilot when used). Perhaps to the missiles underneath the wings, on the top of the wings, or on the front of the ship.


All suggestions are welcome.

Hmm, with all of the K-wing's surface area, you could do two yellow lines on the "head", and on the wings have a wide band of blue with two yellow stripes inside the blue bands. I love the uniformity of your squadron and however you end up painting your K-wing, I look forward to seeing it! :)

That Decimator looks amazing! How did you get that texture?

That Decimator looks amazing! How did you get that texture?


I painted the entire ship black and then dry-brushed dark gray, light gray, and white (in that order and with less and less paint on the brush) with a wide brush which has some distance between the bristles (kind of like a rake). To give the impression of 'stuff' sliding along the hull, I brushed in straight lines from the front to the back of the ship only. The main thing is to do the dry-brushing all in one go, one color at time without waiting for it to dry.

The idea was to show how it has been running into stuff (space debris and rebel scum) and the 'scratch' marks go from the front to back of the ship.

Here's a shot from the local X-Wing Winter Kit tournament I won last Tuesday with the new K-Wing.

Video Battle Reports coming shortly on my Youtube channel.


Really love the Greys and blues, nice work!