The 2nd episode of the Grim Dark Podcast will be recorded this weekend, and this time we're going to be talking about Rogue Trader. I've included here the plan for our episode discussion. In line with the community focus we want to have in our show, if anyone would like to raise any particular questions or has comments that you think we should include in these discussions, please post them here, or email them to [email protected]
We'll let you know once the show is recorded, edited and ready for download early next week.
System Discussion
- History of the Rogue Trader RPG.
- Finding the right balance - GMs and players working together to form the right Dynasty.
- A look at the generation charts from Into the Storm for both characters and the Rogue Trader warrant - including house rules.
- Comparing the different trader lines - ancient lineage versus newly minted warrant.
- Connecting the characters, the Dynasty and the ship - using the background to create interesting themes, styles and stories.
- A look at the new systems introduced with Rogue Trader - acquisitions, ships and void combat.
Career Discussion
- Playing the Rogue Trader - how to have fun as the leader of the group without pushing the other characters in to minor roles.
- The relationship between the Rogue Trader and their crew.
- Running a Dynasty, from the most puritanical to the extemely radical.
- Building your Rogue Trader - what works.
- Portraying a Rogue Trader in the setting.
Book Review
- Review of Faith & Coin.
Setting Discussion
- What is the part of the Rogue Trader in the history of the Imperium - why do they exist?
- Where the Rogue Trader fits within the heirarchy of the Imperium, both while inside it, and while outside.
- The authority of the Rogue Trader, and what happens when that is abused.
- For the GM - what happens when your group wants to use more ships or men than you originally planned.
- The Teleportarium and you - how to keep it fun and interesting.
James - @GrimDarkJames