new player looking for others to play with in/near manchester as i cant travel far. im usually at double midnight in manchester or games castle in derry.
new player, manchester nh
I know this is an old thread, but any luck? I myself am looking to get into GoT and am in the Manchester area. Would love to see if a group gets together at Double Midnight or a closer store.
I am going to get back into this game when 2nd edition comes out...I am currently playing other tabletop and card games in Nashua, NH
Hey man I live in Amesbury MA and if you're still looking for other people to play let me know!
I've been wicked busy since last summer, so haven't had the chance to get into this LCG or check back at this forum. I'm really excited for the second edition though and will probably pre-order it. I'll also be getting serious about finding a game shop in the Manchester, NH area to play with a group at.
Although it won't help for regular play, we do have a group in Boston that will both run tournaments down here and are willing to travel to make it to other places for tournaments.
As I stated earlier we will have a group playing in Nashua, NH.
at least 4 other players are looking forward to the game. We may have a demo copy this Thursday to check out.
if you don't want to travel to Nashua I think your choices in Manchester are limited...Myriad and Adler...neither seem like they have big LCG groups but I may be wrong.
I have just found out about some games being played at Milly's tavern.
I am going to to the trek up there to play some infinity Tuesday night.
Holy necroposting, Batman