I know the Ruling says that you can't have 2 region upgrades per server, but does that count for "rezzed" or for "at all times" ?
I'm playing a heavy upgrade-deck ( with Replicating Perfection) and I want to have, for example:
Hokusai grid installed and rezzed. After that I want to install there, without rezzing, SanSan City grid, so I can :
1) Bluff my opponent into thinking this is a Braintrust and going for it
2) Setup eventual "from the hand" scoring of Braintrust
Now, I know that, if I rezz SanSan into existing Hokusai, Hokusai will get trashed. But is it possible to just put it there to stay, without rezzing it?
And what about if both upgradres are not rezzed? can they hang out at the same place?
EDIT: As someone pointed out in a Jackson Howard question topic few lines bellow, for a card to be " in play" that means to be installed and Rezzed ( for the Corp) ... So that leads me to think it should be possible to have the two region upgrades at least unrezzed ( if not 1 rezzed and 1 not rezzed)
Region Upgrade question
I do not subscribe to this type of gameplay. If I install something in a server, then I only place it in a location where it would be allowed in a rezzed state. Otherwise, you could just install assets as ice to bluff your opponent but never rez them. Effective, but not cool, IMHO.
I use the same line of thinking for placing advancement tokens. I always place them on cards that are allowed to be advanced, even though the runner does not know that until I rez the card.
The definitions of "in play" and "installed" are not the same. A card that is "in play" means that its effect takes place. A card that is "installed" could be either faceup or facedown.
No, the limit of 1 region per server is a limit affecting all installed cards, not only the rezzed ones.
Page 13 of the rule book: "The Corporation can only have one upgrade with the region subtype installed per server or server root, as listed in the text box of these cards."
I do not subscribe to this type of gameplay. If I install something in a server, then I only place it in a location where it would be allowed in a rezzed state. Otherwise, you could just install assets as ice to bluff your opponent but never rez them. Effective, but not cool, IMHO.
I use the same line of thinking for placing advancement tokens. I always place them on cards that are allowed to be advanced, even though the runner does not know that until I rez the card.
Are you for real???
Could someone ban/restrict this person from posting? Obviously he is either a troll or spamming on purpose to get his post numbers up
No, the limit of 1 region per server is a limit affecting all installed cards, not only the rezzed ones.
Page 13 of the rule book: "The Corporation can only have one upgrade with the region subtype installed per server or server root, as listed in the text box of these cards."
Thank you
Edited by Dydra
I do not subscribe to this type of gameplay. If I install something in a server, then I only place it in a location where it would be allowed in a rezzed state. Otherwise, you could just install assets as ice to bluff your opponent but never rez them. Effective, but not cool, IMHO.
I use the same line of thinking for placing advancement tokens. I always place them on cards that are allowed to be advanced, even though the runner does not know that until I rez the card.
Are you for real???
Could someone ban/restrict this person from posting? Obviously he is either a troll or spamming on purpose to get his post numbers up
So you don't like my answers, so you accuse me of trolling?!?
I'm sorry that you aren't getting the answers that you're looking for. Try playing the game right.
I highly recommend you learn English, because obviously you can't read properly.
edit: ... and write
I highly recommend you learn English, because obviously you can't read properly.
edit: ... and write
I dare you to be specific in your accusation concerning my English.
From your post on:
http://community.fantasyflightgames.com/index.php?/topic/92898-test-run-femme-scavange-combo/ ................
"So I was playing with a Shaper friend the other day and we kinda' got in the
if this combo is working?
So first he Test Runs for Femme Fatale ,
do what he does
and before the end of the turn he
it , so it enters the game "regularly".
The problem is that Test Run says "When this turn ends, add the program to the top of your stack, if it's still installed"
As far as wording
- yes the program is still installed.
he insisted on that
it's not correct, because it's "a different entity "
Could I get a
on that?"
.....Shall I continue?
Love it! Thanks for the comic relief!
Right there with ya.
I highly recommend you learn English, because obviously you can't read properly.
edit: ... and write
I dare you to be specific in your accusation concerning my English.
The fact that you totally misunderstood what was written in the OP post, says enough about how much you can comprehend English.
Who said anything about installing ASSETS as ICE and things like that?
Also please DO "SUBSCRIBE " to that type of gameplay hahaha ...
The fact that you totally misunderstood what was written in the OP post, says enough about how much you can comprehend English.
Who said anything about installing ASSETS as ICE and things like that?
Also please DO "SUBSCRIBE " to that type of gameplay hahaha ...
I highly recommend you learn English, because obviously you can't read properly.
edit: ... and write
I dare you to be specific in your accusation concerning my English.
Of course you weren't talking about installing assets as ice....However, I was. I was using it as an example of where your train of thought would lead us.
Edited by Wh0isTh3D0ct0r
Kid, I see that you can use a dictionary, especially when you dig up into 6th and 7th meaning
Now go do a quickie and go to bed.
The time when I'd argue on forums passed ... about 8 years ago when I was 16.
Also there is no excuse for double posting ... maybe you still haven't used the dictionary to check this word called " EDIT" , I highly recommend you do.
Kid, I see that you can use a dictionary, especially when you dig up into 6th and 7th meaning
Now go do a quickie and go to bed.
The time when I'd argue on forums passed ... about 8 years ago when I was 16.
Also there is no excuse for double posting ... maybe you still haven't used the dictionary to check this word called " EDIT" , I highly recommend you do.
My condolences about your definitions being so limited...or do I need to be as monosyllabic as possible?
The fact that you totally misunderstood what was written in the OP post, says enough about how much you can comprehend English.
Who said anything about installing ASSETS as ICE and things like that?
Also please DO "SUBSCRIBE " to that type of gameplay hahaha ...
You're breaking the rules by trying to install two Regions into the same remote. But we'll excuse that, because you are here asking if the play is legal, analogous to having more than one Unique installed but only one rezzed. You are compounding that rule-breaking by installing Upgrades into the server itself, which is reserved for Assets and Agendas. I don't "subscribe" to rule-breaking as a playstyle either.
And, incidentally, the definition of "OP" means that your sentence reads, "The fact that you totally misunderstood what was written in the Original Post post, says enough about how much you can comprehend English."
In point of fact, the Doctor is correct to point out that installing two Regions into the same server is just as much an illegal positioning as installing an asset horizontally as though it were Ice. The intent is the same: to deceive your opponent not through bluff or misdirection, but through mendacity.
So, as I read the situation, he did totally understand the original post. Arguably better than you did, since he gave you a perfect counterexample that sailed completely over your head. But if we choose to excuse the fact that you're breaking the rules as merely being based on ignorance of the rules as written, at that point we're back to one other pithy piece of advice:
Try playing the game right.
Edited by Grimwalker
The fact that you totally misunderstood what was written in the OP post, says enough about how much you can comprehend English.
Who said anything about installing ASSETS as ICE and things like that?
Also please DO "SUBSCRIBE " to that type of gameplay hahaha ...
The point, Dydra, is that Upgrades are to be installed in the ROOT of the server. Core set rules: "Root- This is the area of a central server where upgrades for the server are installed. When an upgrade is installed in the root, it should be placed below the server. If a root has no cards installed in it, it is considered to be empty."
So, you're breaking the rules by trying to install two Regions into the same remote. But we'll excuse that, because you are here asking if the play is legal, analogous to having more than one Unique installed but only one rezzed. You are compounding that rule-breaking by installing Upgrades into the server itself, which is reserved for Assets and Agendas.
And, incidentally, the definition of "OP" means that your sentence reads, "The fact that you totally misunderstood what was written in the Original Post post, says enough about how much you can comprehend English."
In point of fact, the Doctor is correct to point out that installing an Upgrade into the server rather than the Root is just as much an illegal positioning as installing an asset horizontally as though it were Ice. The intent is the same: to deceive your opponent not through bluff or misdirection, but through mendacity.
I do not "subscribe" to such unethical, nor is it appropriate behavior for you to immediately lash out at other forum users. As I read the situation, he did totally understand the original post, arguably better than you did, since he gave you a perfect counterexample that sailed completely over your head. But if we choose to excuse the fact that you're breaking the rules as merely being based on ignorance of the rules as written, at that point we're back to one other pithy piece of advice:
Try playing the game right.
The root of the server only applies to central servers. If you're playing upgrades on the remote servers they are installed in the same place as the assets and agendas.
The root of the server only applies to central servers. If you're playing upgrades on the remote servers they are installed in the same place as the assets and agendas.
Thank you, I've rewritten my post accordingly.
See? This is what you do when someone points out that you've misread something. You graciously thank them and be pleased that your understanding has increased. I was wrong about one aspect, but my overall criticism stands just fine.
Are you for real???
Could someone ban/restrict this person from posting? Obviously he is either a troll or spamming on purpose to get his post numbers up
Umm...Wh0isTh3D0ct0r has been a forum member since 2009. You joined less than two months ago. Obviously you'd rather make ad hominem attacks on people who point out you're wrong than actually know what you're talking about. I eagerly await your scathing insights as to my character and intellect.
No, the limit of 1 region per server is a limit affecting all installed cards, not only the rezzed ones.
Page 13 of the rule book: "The Corporation can only have one upgrade with the region subtype installed per server or server root, as listed in the text box of these cards."
Huh, turns out I had this wrong. It's never come up, thankfully, but I'd always assumed it applied only to active cards, as is the case with unique cards.
EDIT: Also, both Dydra and Wh0isTh3D0ct0r could have handled this better. This was a genuine rules query. Wh0isTh3D0ct0r's initial response sounded accusatory, as though Dydra was intentionally attempting to cheat.
Sadly, it escalated badly, and I have to say Wh0isTh3D0ct0r handled it with better aplomb.
Edited by CommissarFeeshI thought the original question was completely legitimate. I had the same question which is why I found this post. I was thinking as commissarfeesh did; that the rule only applied to active cards. I was wondering if you could use breaker bay grid to rez a san san or other region. I guess not. Good to know!
Edited by quailman2101