The Dearth presents: Community Project to create Custom Cards for all Weapons, Armors, Gear, NPCs, Vehicles and Planets

By the_dearth, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Absolutely amazing work, I downloaded your psd file and have been using it for a few sessions now, love it.

As for people "without the skills" that really shouldn't matter, if you know how to click and edit text and copy/past images you can use what's been set up. The only real limiting factor is getting your hands on Photoshop legally.

It might be useful to have a wiki with these on so we can see what's been made/what's available/whatever? The SWRPG reddit has a content wiki we could add to here:

I've been working on the ships (data entry whilst listening to podcasts is nicely relaxing...) and I'll start putting them up there soon- along with the font I've made for abbreviating ship properties (e.g. Guided, Breach, Limited Ammo).

TheDearth's templates are amazing and it'd be great to have filled copies as accessible as possible.

Edited by Talkie Toaster

Looking through the history of the board and trying to figure out a good way for players to see "what's available" from merchants, these cards look to be perfect.

Did anyone get the templates and/or has this project been picked up/moved forward?

So, any updates on this project? I’d love to be able to help, if I can.

But seriously, I don’t have PhotoShop, and I haven’t been able to do anything at all useful with these templates using MacGimp or any other image editing program I’ve found for the Mac.

Failing anything else, I’ll take the PSDs, rip out the text and fluff and stuff, and create templates that I can easily fill in with OmniGraffle.

I’d just rather not duplicate all that work, if someone else has already done it.


Okay, so I’ve started working on doing up my own Armor cards, based on the background from these files.


The Adverse Environment Gear and Armored Robes are both done, and the other two should give you an idea of where I’m going.

Any and all feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!

Any update on this exellent work?

Going to necro this, did anything come out of this other than the planets?