The Dearth presents: Community Project to create Custom Cards for all Weapons, Armors, Gear, NPCs, Vehicles and Planets

By the_dearth, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Yes, it was on me to proof all of the card content. I was delayed by work and the holidays. I am still in the process of completing this, and should be done soon. After that It shouldn't take long for Dearth to implement the edits.

How is the proof reading going?

Will we continue with the rest of the project?



I'm still waiting. I hope it'll be done soon...

Any news?

Non, I MPed thedearth2 but no answer.

Non, I MPed thedearth2 but no answer.

We put a bounty on his head? :ph34r: :lol:

We put a bounty so high on his head that he won't be able to go near a civlised system.

Edited by Naglareph

Hi guys!

Sorry for being gone so long. My real life kicked back in and there was absolutely no time left. Additionally my call for a proof reader remained mainly unanswered, so there was only little motivation to put more effort in them.

Now I had some time left and finished the Planet cards. These were the least effort to proof read. All supporters should have gotten a private message with the download link. If you haven't, please let me know.

As a little bonus for all your waiting I included the planets from all released books (= Core Rulebook, Adv. Under a Black Sun, Beyond the Rim and Suns of Fortune).


I am still looking for someone to proof read all the weapons and gear cards though I won't have too much time in the next months (unfortunately this project needs a lot of time).

the Dearth

I really wanted to get involved with this from the beginning (see post #12), but had Internet issues on holiday. By the time I got back, I missed the boat.

Anyway, I'm happy to proof-read if I'm allowed. Completely understand if not.

The planet cards look nice, but i can't imagine that text is going to be easy to read. How about putting the image on one side and larger text on the other?

Any news about this project?

Yep, keen to know how it's going too. Professional proofreader here and happy to give everything a once over with no attached expectations. Assume it's more than a straight proof though, and needs a sense check to the source material at the same time? Happy to do both. Lemme know.

I'm happy to proof read as well! I'll send you a PM,

Just found the thread and I would love to add to it. Ep2 going up soon?

I think TheDearth stoped the project.

Those who got involved into it got the planet cards.

But I had an pm exchange with him saying he'd send to me the cards to proofread them.

Alas I never got them.

Could we possibly take it up again? It sounded like such a good project. I know my GM have had issues with the books not containing pictures of all the gear/ships/planets.

No idea man, I'm no graphist or designer.

If anyone is really motivated to do them again why not?

But i'll offer m help on other subjects such as proofreading or even finding images etc.

Does anyone have the files that he created? Because without those there would be hard to continue working on it.

I am no Photoshop guru myself but I might be able to get a friend to help. He is from the same gaming group as me so this should probably entice him since he could use them to!

I have them, I don't think I have the .psd though.

have a bunch of JPEGs and PDFs.

I'll check it out after work.

Hi guys,

for whatever reason I cannot log into my account anymore. As much as I like to continue this project, I’m afraid the project lacks the impact to justify the time needed to continue it on this level of quality.

If there are others who have the serious interest to continue it, I would be glad to pass on the core files and .PSDs. Right now, I do not have access to them, but I will have it within 3 weeks. So maybe just write me a pm and I’ll have a look how I can get the core files to you guys.


I just PM'ed you ;)

I'll try to see if I have the time to take the project again, but no hopes. :)

If someone is considering putting time into a large project like this, please consider investing the time into a Strange Eons mod instead. If someone did the ground work, it would allow any of us (those without skills) to quickly make custom cards of planets, gear, NPCs, whatever you wish with varying card sizes, and no skill required. Someone designing a mod (guidance at the Strange Eons website) could customize the templates with a Star Wars feel, add dice icons, etc as was done with the Warhammer example below.

I have no art or programming skills and was able to easily make page after page of these for FFG's Warhammer which EotE's narrative system was based upon. With the mod, it's simple as picking your card size/type, typing in textual information including dice icons, inserting any outside art you wish easily, then exporting several cards at once to fill up a PDF for printing. I have pages of Armor, Gear, Weapons, Errand cards, Location cards, etc. from when I played Warhammer.


Edited by Sturn

Before I hand over the project files, I would like to give you the planet cards we made so far.

As a little bonus for the whole time you waited, I incorporated all planets from all the books (=Core Rulebook, Under A Black Sun, Beyond the Rim and Suns of Fortune).

I am sure, there are still errors and typos in there. I am happy about every feedback I can get, so feel free to message me.

To the file:

With the link you can find a zip file. I do not know what you would like to do with the cards, so I included all formats:

- all planets as single jpeg files a) with a print border (3mm) and b) without

- all planets as single pages as pdf a) with a print border (3mm) and b) without

- all planets on A4 or letter pages a) with print border (3mm) and b) without

- a backside if you get them printed

Have fun!

The Dearth

I was curious if anyone took over the item/gear card portion of the project, and if so what we in the community could do to help? Cheers!

Has anyone offered to do Force Power cards? If not, I wish to volunteer. I am able to use Photoshop.

Edited by MoonSwingChronicles