The Dearth presents: Community Project to create Custom Cards for all Weapons, Armors, Gear, NPCs, Vehicles and Planets

By the_dearth, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

So when are we to expect the cards? :)

Ok I think I will help out, so that I can get access to the cards as well. But looking at the checklist, I don't see point 3.

I will do: Brass Knuckles and Disruptor Pistol.

Hey I already did the Disruptor Pistol. Although your art work my be better, so you might want to go ahead and turn it in though. From what I could tell stun grenade, brass knuckles, Force pike, Truncheon, are still open. I am working on slug-thrower pistol and Bola/net tonight. Again you are more than welcome to do whatever you want your artwork may be better.

I'd like to try ionization blaster, disruptor pistol slugthrower pistol, and Truncheon

I think they were all taken. Check out the list and the recent posts.

Yep. I think you need to wait for Episode 2 to help out?

Well Johnny come lately or what, that's what I get for ignoring this website for a couple of days........standing by to stand by.....

Ok I think I will help out, so that I can get access to the cards as well. But looking at the checklist, I don't see point 3.

I will do: Brass Knuckles and Disruptor Pistol.

Hey I already did the Disruptor Pistol. Although your art work my be better, so you might want to go ahead and turn it in though. From what I could tell stun grenade, brass knuckles, Force pike, Truncheon, are still open. I am working on slug-thrower pistol and Bola/net tonight. Again you are more than welcome to do whatever you want your artwork may be better.

Odd, you were not listed on the list.

And I just checked, you still aren't....

EDIT: Ok what are you talkin about? You entered the thread and said you would do Disruptor Pistol a long time after I had already done it. So yeah, no idea what you are on about.

Edited by Morridini

So when are we to expect the cards? :)

Unfortunately, my "real life" kicked in my door and stole all my time away. That is of course not the end, but it will need some more time. Hopefully a time window will open where I can finish them. Goal is to have them out before the 25th of November.

And to all who didn't have the chance to participate: My plan is to also provide the supporters of Episode 2 with the cards from Episode 1.

hi dearth,

what format will you be providing the cards? personally i'd like the PSDs as one format so i can make homebrew twists to some of the existing ones.

also what do you think will be the focus of episode 2?

Ok I think I will help out, so that I can get access to the cards as well. But looking at the checklist, I don't see point 3.

I will do: Brass Knuckles and Disruptor Pistol.

Hey I already did the Disruptor Pistol. Although your art work my be better, so you might want to go ahead and turn it in though. From what I could tell stun grenade, brass knuckles, Force pike, Truncheon, are still open. I am working on slug-thrower pistol and Bola/net tonight. Again you are more than welcome to do whatever you want your artwork may be better.

Odd, you were not listed on the list.

And I just checked, you still aren't....

EDIT: Ok what are you talkin about? You entered the thread and said you would do Disruptor Pistol a long time after I had already done it. So yeah, no idea what you are on about.

Sorry, I came into to this thread way behind the power curve. I finally noticed today that the posts are five pages deep and not three. I had compiling info ands pics for cards, so I am sure you guys did the same. I'm going to continue to do it for my own kicks. Thanks guys.

hi dearth,

what format will you be providing the cards? personally i'd like the PSDs as one format so i can make homebrew twists to some of the existing ones.

also what do you think will be the focus of episode 2?

I will make the cards with Adobe InDesign. My plan is to provide the cards as single .jpg and .pdf files and a pdf document with all the cards in it if you like to print them on your own. In general two versions: one with additional space so that you can have them printed professionally and one already cropped to the correct size (Poker size).

Even if I did them in Photoshop, the single psd files would be way too large.

I will make the cards with Adobe InDesign. My plan is to provide the cards as single .jpg and .pdf files and a pdf document with all the cards in it if you like to print them on your own. In general two versions: one with additional space so that you can have them printed professionally and one already cropped to the correct size (Poker size).

Even if I did them in Photoshop, the single psd files would be way too large.

So, the background image will be enlarged a bit, for a full bleed?

Edited by I. J. Thompson

A little update:

I am right now finishing the cards which goes very well thanks to your preparations. But while I am finishing the cards, I could some help from you guys.

The image of Brass Knuckles is quite tricky because it does not have a specific Star Wars relation. The picture we currently have is not perfect and I do also fail with finding a better one. Anybody wants to take the challenge and get a great, drawn picture of brass knuckles and to make it perfect: In a Star Wars Setting (or one that looks like it could be SW)?

My google-fu failed me. This is the best I could find. You probably noticed it already; it kept popping up repeatedly.


The image of Brass Knuckles is quite tricky because it does not have a specific Star Wars relation. The picture we currently have is not perfect and I do also fail with finding a better one. Anybody wants to take the challenge and get a great, drawn picture of brass knuckles and to make it perfect: In a Star Wars Setting (or one that looks like it could be SW)?

Yeah I'm sorry about that (I was the one who did the brass knuckles), however that was the best I could find. After all, the entire concept of "brass knuckles" in the Star Wars universe sound foreign to me.

So good luck, but I spent quite some time hunting down anything that could be a form of "sci-fi" brass knuckles so I doubt you'll succeed.

Best solution might be to comission it from someone.

I just now discovered this thread. I am a graphics designer and have the skills and tools (and also own all of the Edge of theEmpire books and Age of Rebellion Beta book) necessary to do this, any way I can contribute to this project at this point? I saw there was a November 17 deadline...

...and it is (almost) done!

I finished all the cards and am proud to present the result to you.

I have to admit that I did not check back every weapon/planet I received and just copy/pasted everything in.

Before I provide the supporters with all the cards, I'd like to have somebody check the cards for typos and errors from the copy process.

The one checking them receives the cards like a regular supporter.

If you are interested (and think you can do it quite quickly (but not sloppy)), send me a PM.

Edit: Please ignore that Bespin and Ord Mantell have the same image...

Here they are:


@Morridini: That was absolutely no blame, I also spent almost half an hour looking for sth suitable but imho brass knuckles just do not exist in the Star Wars universe... I went with the one Sturn looked up.

@I. J. thompson

It's a large picture which is eventually cropped to the right size (either for have it printed or for your own printer.)

@Brother Bart

Episode 2 will come and there are so many cards... , I am happy about every support I can get.

The Dearth

Edited by thedearth2

Anyone answered for the proof reading?

If not I might as well take it, I have quite the time.

Anyone answered for the proof reading?

If not I might as well take it, I have quite the time.

I PMed Dearth several times a couple of hours after he posted. Still no response...

Edited by Brother Bart

@Morridini: That was absolutely no blame, I also spent almost half an hour looking for sth suitable but imho brass knuckles just do not exist in the Star Wars universe... I went with the one Sturn looked up.

Sounds logical: If no suitable picture can be found, use the one with a cute girl.

I PMed Dearth several times a couple of hours after he posted. Still no response...

Well I hope he'll answer you and keep us posted on this.

I'm super late to this party, but I would love to help out in any way possible. Please let me know if I can do anything.

Also, is there a way to get the cards if you missed the initial window?

Well we are still waiting for thedearth2 to give a sign of life.

Brother Bart receives the cards asap and you'll receive your final cards before christmas! :)

Brother Bart receives the cards asap and you'll receive your final cards before christmas! :)

Tell us the truth! You are already on the other side of the galaxy, arent you? :D

Well folks it is time to gather money for the Christmas bounty hunter !

Edited by NicoDavout

I really like the planet cards. I think I would use these the most. But only if the planet cards had some of the base modifiers for rarity on them. Otherwise, not much use.

The cards are a drain on ink, as is most of the cards with full colour. As nice as much of the art is (I would love to have a larger version of the Ithorian on the Personal Deflector Shield card) it is too much.

I'm not a big fan of the gear cards - mainly because if I were to use them, I would have to write on them for any attachments (and modifications)

Perhaps some of the notable models could be removed, and the number of hard points could be given lines to write any modifications on. For example, if a weapon has two hard points it has two lines to add stuff.

To be honest, these cards would be a novelty at best at my table. I would consider the planet cards if some changes were made, as is flipping through cards would remind my group too much of 4th edition Dungeons & Dragons, which is not a good thing. If they had more versatility, possibly.

That being said, I DO think they are well done. Just not for me.

Sorry for the late comment I'm new to this particular thread.

I'd be happy to help but I think the most useful cards would be Enemies rather than equipment, though ships would be handy as well. Cards that have Minions and such on them are, in my opinion, going to be far handier than equipment that you can just write down on your character sheet. So I'll keep an eye on this list and when you get around to cards I can use for something I'll join in.

Any news on the project? It seems the Dearth didn't connect for quite a while.