The Dearth presents: Community Project to create Custom Cards for all Weapons, Armors, Gear, NPCs, Vehicles and Planets

By the_dearth, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Ok I think I will help out, so that I can get access to the cards as well. But looking at the checklist, I don't see point 3.

I will do: Brass Knuckles and Disruptor Pistol.

Really hard finding picture of Disruptor Pistol bigger than 400x400, do you prefer a undersized nice-looking image or a proper-sized ugly picture?

Also, what is the difference between the two IDs? Can only find one...

Ok I think I will help out, so that I can get access to the cards as well. But looking at the checklist, I don't see point 3.

I will do: Brass Knuckles and Disruptor Pistol.

Really hard finding picture of Disruptor Pistol bigger than 400x400, do you prefer a undersized nice-looking image or a proper-sized ugly picture?

Also, what is the difference between the two IDs? Can only find one...

the 2 ids are from the table the dearth created

I got that, but again I only see one ID on that table.


You have the ID and the Category ID .
For example, the Thermal Detonator as an ID of 30 and a Category ID of W-21.

Hope it helps :)

Hi guys,

I am sure some of you have seen my custom cards template I made for Edge of the Empire. My goal with the cards was to have all the weapons, armor, gear, vehicles, npcs and planets as cards which I can print and use in my own game.

Unfortunately there are a lot of these in the core book and there is not a PDF from which I could copy the text and stats.

The solution is the project I like to start with the community:









Weapon name:





Hard Points:









Description from the book, shortened (max. 45 words):

Models Include:


Picture-Link (min 900 px wide, 600 px high):


License (if known):




Planet name:


Astrogation Data:

Orbital Metrics:


Population: Languages:

Major Terrain:

Major Cities:

Areas of Interest:

Major Exports:

Major Imports:

Trade Routes:

Special Conditions:


Picture-Link (min 900 px wide, 600 px high):


License (if known):


Hope you support that project!

The Dearth

It only takes a few seconds to write this info on a character sheet..This all seems very board game-ish.

If you dont like the idea cool, some other do...there was really no point for you to post this in my opinion.


You have the ID and the Category ID .

For example, the Thermal Detonator as an ID of 30 and a Category ID of W-21.

Hope it helps :)

I will do:



It only takes a few seconds to write this info on a character sheet..This all seems very board game-ish.

Well, indeed, weapon, armour and gear cards may not be the most useful things ever (although they are pretty), since a table is typically faster to refer to. But notice that the whole project includes NPC and Vehicle cards, and these cards will be very handy and save a lot of book keeping when making encounters on the fly.

Darn, just discovered this topic and awesome project!

I would love to help, but looking at the online docs, it looks like I've just missed out !!

There are only four items left which don't have names beside them, but from the thread, looks like Morridini has disruptor pistol & brass knuckles covered, and Travesty has bola net/truncheon :(

Hopefully episode 2 will happen soon and I can help then! (just subscribed to thread so I can keep up :) )

Edited by Boppl

Really hard finding picture of Disruptor Pistol bigger than 400x400, do you prefer a undersized nice-looking image or a proper-sized ugly picture?

Also, what is the difference between the two IDs? Can only find one...

Best to provide both pictures/links.

Edited by thedearth2

And we did it! Wow! Thanks to all supporters for finishing Episode 1. I'd appreciate it, if you could send me your files asap (I hope nobody needs the deadline till the 17th...) and that I can get the cards done quickly!

As mentioned in the first post, this was just a test run if the system works - the answers seems to be clearly yes! That means we can move on to Episode 2. I'll post the rules, list and stuff for Episode 2 within the next week which has a LOT more objects in it, so this is going to be a real challenge (also picturewise).

@Supporters: Please have a look at the table if your username is present, I'll send the cards only to the ones on the list.

thanks dearth!

Which was what I was trying to allude to in the first post that I felt I was rudely answered to.

No, he wasn't being rude. I still can't see how his post was rude at all.

I'm a bit annoyed at you "pretending to talk to your mom" as that is insulting on all sorts of levels, but I appreciate what you were trying to do, just not the way you did it.

Oh for the love of the Force! My mom is a very intelligent person. Should I pretend your comment was meant to be rude towards my mother when you really didn't mean it way? That is exactly how you have been responding to our posts. I just spent 15 minutes trying to help you, and you respond with this? I made the point of stating TWICE how I wasn't meaning to talk down to you or be sarcastic and even added a smiley face just in case. YOU ARE READING INTO THINGS AND ASSUMING THEY ARE RUDE WHEN THEY ARE NOT. I hope you are just a troll for your own sake and aren't really seeing rudeness behind every comment someone makes. Would be hard going through life like that, for yourself and your loved ones.

Bye. Will just put you on ignore. Don't want to further derail Dearth's excellent thread by responding to you. I would ask you do the same. I'll turn back to contributing to the project and possibly you might do the same now that you've been offered some extra unappreciated help.

Someone is being sensitive, and it is not you. I for one and really appreciative that you took the time to give instructions, because I really needed them. Thanks again.

Yes, please write them here, I'll then update the list.

I know that it is not easy to find drawn pictures of weapons, I went through the same struggle. Knights of the Old Republic had some concept arts on SW weapons and you can find here and there some fan art. The arms and equipent guide from an older SW RPG has the line art in them which were also used in EotE.

I'd really like to help out. Is there anything else you need? Is there an updated list of what still needs to be done. Once I know I will let you know what I can hammer out. Please critique the work so I know if I am doing it right. Thanks.

Someone is being sensitive, and it is not you. I for one and really appreciative that you took the time to give instructions, because I really needed them. Thanks again.

You're welcome and thanks to all the others for the Likes I received (not to the instructions, the responses).

On the topic of weapons art. I had tried searching for drawn weapons by themselves and failed miserably for the most part. I know now that really isn't what Dearth wanted anyway. Looking back over Dearth's examples, it is probably easier and more appropriate to search for the weapons being carried by a person. Examples: Don't search for an E11 as an example of a Blaster Rifle/Carbine, search instead for a drawn "Stormtrooper" and you will find several carrying an E11. Slugthrower Rifle? Search for "Tusken Raider" and you will find one.

ETA: I see a possible minor problem though with this. If we later make adversary cards, at first glance you may think your Heavy Blaster Rifle card is actually a Stormtrooper adversary card and vice-versa. The coloring of the cards (to differentiate between weapons, gear, armor, and adversaries) thus becomes very important and may need to be stressed.

Edited by Sturn

I did pretty much the same thing.

What you can also try to find are the images from various Star Wars games or toys etc..

Try looking up the Star Wars TCG and you'll find the artists and illustrations. Then you can browse their galleries.

Try looking up the Star Wars TCG and you'll find the artists and illustrations. Then you can browse their galleries.

That's what I did for the Disruptor Rifle, but sadly I didn't get any high-resolution results. Also "brass knuckles" is too wide a term, next time I will choose stuff earlier :P

I'd like to try ionization blaster, disruptor pistol slugthrower pistol, and Truncheon

I'd like to try ionization blaster, disruptor pistol slugthrower pistol, and Truncheon

I think they were all taken. Check out the list and the recent posts.

I'd like to try ionization blaster, disruptor pistol slugthrower pistol, and Truncheon

I think they were all taken. Check out the list and the recent posts.

Yep. I think you need to wait for Episode 2 to help out?

the images are a challenge in some cases. i couldn't easily find one for bespin that i was happy with. in the end i found a picture of jupiter that looked the part. it ended up looking great judging by the teaser that dearth supplied earlier in this thread.

Thank you Dearth for putting this all together, waiting for the episode 2!

On the topic of weapons art. I had tried searching for drawn weapons by themselves and failed miserably for the most part. I know now that really isn't what Dearth wanted anyway. Looking back over Dearth's examples, it is probably easier and more appropriate to search for the weapons being carried by a person. Examples: Don't search for an E11 as an example of a Blaster Rifle/Carbine, search instead for a drawn "Stormtrooper" and you will find several carrying an E11. Slugthrower Rifle? Search for "Tusken Raider" and you will find one.

Originally I really wanted to have only drawn weapons on the cards, as you can also see on the first mockup of the weapon card. Before I started the project I already started alone to do them (e.g. the armor cards are already done) but I stumbled upon the very same problems, it was simply too hard. Though I'd prefer only to have the weapons on the cards it is just not doable. So sorry if there was some confusion and spent time to get to a good picture.

personally i like the look of the items in use. for example that bowcaster card with chewbacca is great. as for the duplication of images for NPCs i don't think it will matter. the colour distinction and the statistics will make it clear which is which. the image can be flipped too.

i can see a challenge when it comes to some of the adversaries, what image distinguishes a shipjacker for example

Well it's what all this is about. I take the challenge, I'm sure we can all find suitable images, and when you are browsing threw them and see a good one for a weapon post it in the thread or do the card instead :P