The Dearth presents: Community Project to create Custom Cards for all Weapons, Armors, Gear, NPCs, Vehicles and Planets

By the_dearth, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

What if you have no skills in photoshop? Hell I don't even own it. I have Gimp, but **** if I know how to use it.

I would like to help in any way so I can get a set, but without graphic artist skills I fear I and everyone who relates with me is going to be left out. I have a copy of the book, so that isn't an issue.

Then use the paint from windows. To do what THEDEARTH2 asks does not require anything more then paint.

Yeah I tried that. It doesn't look good or right. Thank you for answering a question not addressed to you, however. 'preciate the sarcasm and condescending tone.

I'll wait for THEDEARTH2's answer.

Ease up a bit and reread what you quoted. I didn't see any sarcasm in his reply at all. He was only giving you good information. Googling and a basic paint program is all is needed to find some art, crop it, then resize it to Dearth's liking. That is all he was saying and having read his statement three times now I still don't see how you saw any sarcasm in it. He was helping you man. If you wish to contribute, please tell us what sort of paint program you would like to use (Paint or Gimp?) and we can provide precise instructions to a fellow Star Wars rpg fan.

Oh, and rereading your post I don't see where you asked only Dearth to answer your question.

Edited by Sturn

Just to point out I sent you the frag grenade and flameprojector but it's not marked on the document you put online.

Edited by Naglareph

If you wish to contribute, please tell us what sort of paint program you would like to use (Paint or Gimp?) and we can provide precise instructions to a fellow Star Wars rpg fan.

MS Paint is a little simpler then Gimp, and probably on your computer unless you are running an Apple. I'm going to be very precise in my instructions. PLEASE don't think I'm being sarcastic, I don't know what level of computing knowledge you have so I'm going to be as basic as I can get:

1. Go to Google Images and do a search for a graphic of the item you are contributing. Ex: Laminate? Go Google "Stormtrooper Armor". Pick a drawn image per Dearth's request, if you can find one. Open up the image itself then right-click and select "Copy".

2. Open up Paint. Select Edit>Paste to insert the image you just found.

3. Crop it. If needed, use the dotted box to draw around your image. Then select Image>Crop to get rid of anything outside the box you drew.

4. Resize. This is the hardest part for Paint. Dearth wants a minimum of 900 pixels width by 600 pixels height. Note he said pixels. Select Image>Attributes. The button for "Units" needs to be clicked on "Pixels". Then look at the numbers for Width and Height and see if your image is large enough. If you need to enlarge it, type in the number needed in one of the columns. Here is the tricky part. Paint does not automatically keep an aspect ratio. You need to do the math to increase the other number by the same amount. Ex: Your image is 500 x 400. If you double the 500 to 1000, you then need to double the 400 to 800. You will thus have a 1000x800 object that is not distorted and meets Dearth's minimum size. Check your image to see if it is still a good, clear image when enlarged. If it is pixelated, you need to go search for a better graphic and start all over.

5. Save your image. It appears Dearth may want JPG's. Click File>Save As and click where you want to save the file on your computer. Change the name following Dearth's format given above. At the bottom, make sure the "Save as type" has JPEG selected.

Done. Again I apologize if my instructions were too simple. I'm not talking down just have no idea what sort of computer experience you have. I pretended I was talking to my mom. :)

I have lots of computer knowledge, thank you, just (as I already stated) 0 graphical knowledge skills. I tried making it in paint and it looked like crap. Perhaps because I have that aforementioned 0 in anything graphical on a computer. Which was what I was trying to allude to in the first post that I felt I was rudely answered to.

I'm a bit annoyed at you "pretending to talk to your mom" as that is insulting on all sorts of levels, but I appreciate what you were trying to do, just not the way you did it.

Look I'll try it again with Blaster Carbine. I don't think anyone has picked that one yet.

If it works, hey cool, I'll do another one.

But if not, I don't want to be the guy bringing down the entire project because I suck at photoshop/paint/gimp/whatever. So if its complete failsauce like the last time I'll post that clearly I'm not meant to have these cards because it requires an entrance fee I just don't possess. I'll withdraw, someone else can do the card and make this thing cool. I'll not let my greed in wanting a set of these cards not get in the way of the community making something awesome. I know my limits.


Edited by Sturn

Which was what I was trying to allude to in the first post that I felt I was rudely answered to.

No, he wasn't being rude. I still can't see how his post was rude at all.

I'm a bit annoyed at you "pretending to talk to your mom" as that is insulting on all sorts of levels, but I appreciate what you were trying to do, just not the way you did it.

Oh for the love of the Force! My mom is a very intelligent person. Should I pretend your comment was meant to be rude towards my mother when you really didn't mean it way? That is exactly how you have been responding to our posts. I just spent 15 minutes trying to help you, and you respond with this? I made the point of stating TWICE how I wasn't meaning to talk down to you or be sarcastic and even added a smiley face just in case. YOU ARE READING INTO THINGS AND ASSUMING THEY ARE RUDE WHEN THEY ARE NOT. I hope you are just a troll for your own sake and aren't really seeing rudeness behind every comment someone makes. Would be hard going through life like that, for yourself and your loved ones.

Bye. Will just put you on ignore. Don't want to further derail Dearth's excellent thread by responding to you. I would ask you do the same. I'll turn back to contributing to the project and possibly you might do the same now that you've been offered some extra unappreciated help.

Edited by Sturn

Wow, holy cow. You're clearly the one with the problem. Even after I tried to take this to PM, you still act like a 3 year old.

My apologies to the rest of the board, and my apologies to Sturm who seemingly doesn't care.

EDIT: Thanks to Sturm I think I've managed to get the Blaster Carbine done. I'll try Force Pike next, then I'll leave the rest to the professionals.

EDIT2: ....and Force Pike is done as well. Hopefully they pass muster. Thanks again for the help Sturm.

Edited by Shadai

Will do the Vibro-Ax and the light repeating blaster too.

You people use illustrations without paying or being authorized by their author. Beside ffg's author's right question, this yet can't be legal.

Have fun though :)

You people use illustrations without paying or being authorized by their author. Beside ffg's author's right question, this yet can't be legal.

Have fun though :)

You can use other's art all you want if done so for personal use only. I agree if Dearth posted this final project in an online forum it would take a turn for the worse legally. No one is making a profit and no one should be making the results public.

Think of it this way. A group of people decide they want a collection of Lord of the Rings art for personal use. Each person wants such, but decides as a group they can more quickly get the task done. Each is assigned to go looking for and gather specific art off the internet. A PDF is then made and given to each of the group itself for personal use. That is what is happening here regarding the art. Now I'm not even an attorney, let alone a copyright one, so the reason for my initial question. It just seems legal, but I really don't know, so I asked.

I was more concerned for the sharing of EotE information. Dearth's idea of making you contribute information (and thus prove you have a source) seems logical. I just don't know if it's completely legal?

You can use other's art all you want if done so for personal use only.

Iin Switzerland I think it's the case. Not in the US nor in France. It's an international forum.

have a good game !

I think I didn't make it clear enough with the picture resolution, sorry for that. What I meant: The images don't need to be exactly 900 px x 600 px this is just the minimum. They also don't need to be in that exact ratio.

If you have an image which is 3432px x 1356 px this is perfectly fine. With the ratio just keep the image area of the card in mind and that the main part of the image should fit in there. Actually the larger the better in terms of the image. So you actually don't need to do any graphical work, just make sure the image is large enough.

I entered your objects in the table, right now I can't check which I've already received because my provider is down for maintenance.

But another really good message: I created the first cards and they look really good. Keep up the good work!

While I have little talent with graphical editors and even less time to master them, I would love to take the finished cards and put them together in my Evernote GM Holocron that I'm putting together. May I get involved? Of course I have the core rulebook :)

To give a little preview:


These are amazing.

I have the core book, the beginner game, an extra set of dice. I also have everything else they are publishing for this IP on order. I hope that is enough, because I honestly have no ability to do the awesome things you are all doing, but I would indeed love to be able to get a set of these cards.

And may I take this opportunity to say that this community is incredibly supportive, and (for the most part) free of flamers and trolls. I love checking these forums because (again, for the most part), the debates are intelligent and helpful, and the user submitted material is appreciated and the only criticisms of said material are entirely constructive. I have never been so active on a forum in years, and it is because of the game and the people.

I will be running my first game of EotE this Wednesday at my FLGS for six players all new to this system. I can't wait. I have not been this excited about an RPG in years. Little kid excited. I can definitely see the use of these cards in such an open narrative world, and would love to get my paws on a set in the future.

All the best, and tons of moral support from a fella who just don't 'puter the way you good folk do.

Glad to see the images are used well. These look awsome! Can't wait to see the final result ^^

You can use other's art all you want if done so for personal use only.

Iin Switzerland I think it's the case. Not in the US nor in France. It's an international forum.

have a good game !

So I'm in the US. I need to delete this cool background I have on my computer of Snowtroopers since it's someone elses' artwork? I don't think the Copyright Special Response Team is going to be ramming down my door and throwing text bangs anytime soon to make me remove it and the other graphics I've downloaded for personal use.

Iin Switzerland I think it's the case. Not in the US nor in France. It's an international forum.

have a good game !

Hmmm I think it's the case in France. Havn't had any problem.

PS: If you are in France we should do a game sometime!

Edit : I have a feeling the last items are going to be hard to find.

Edited by Naglareph

Iin Switzerland I think it's the case. Not in the US nor in France. It's an international forum.

have a good game !

Hmmm I think it's the case in France. Havn't had any problem.

PS: If you are in France we should do a game sometime!

Edit : I have a feeling the last items are going to be hard to find.

You're wrong. Time for a short legal post :

Copyright is from an international pact which authorize. Countries which signed it may create national laws to make some exceptions to it.

In US, UK and other "common law" countries, people may use the artist's work limited to a "Fair Use" principle. Such exception exists in order to facilitate the artist's publicity. Even here, Fair use should require that you people ask to the author of the illustration you use to authorize its copy in your work. Drawing is a job too, you know. It deserves money :)

That is abslolutely not the fact in France where Fair Use isn't a legal exception. French exceptions are :

1) Private presentation of an intellectual creation you bought for your family (the FFG forum is a communauty, not a family, even if you limit it to the present thread contributors)

2) private copy of an intellectual creation you bought for yourself so as to "save" it from losing it.

3) "short quoting" of an intellectual creation you haven't bought so as to speak about it, like in a review or similar work.

Hi guys,

I am sure some of you have seen my custom cards template I made for Edge of the Empire. My goal with the cards was to have all the weapons, armor, gear, vehicles, npcs and planets as cards which I can print and use in my own game.

Unfortunately there are a lot of these in the core book and there is not a PDF from which I could copy the text and stats.

The solution is the project I like to start with the community:









Weapon name:





Hard Points:









Description from the book, shortened (max. 45 words):

Models Include:


Picture-Link (min 900 px wide, 600 px high):


License (if known):




Planet name:


Astrogation Data:

Orbital Metrics:


Population: Languages:

Major Terrain:

Major Cities:

Areas of Interest:

Major Exports:

Major Imports:

Trade Routes:

Special Conditions:


Picture-Link (min 900 px wide, 600 px high):


License (if known):


Hope you support that project!

The Dearth

It only takes a few seconds to write this info on a character sheet..This all seems very board game-ish.

It only takes a few seconds to write this info on a character sheet..This all seems very board game-ish.

But some of us prefer it this way. We loved our cards in FFG's Warhammer that uses the same system as EotE. To each his own. You aren't being forced to use these cards. My players preferred the custom made gear and location cards I made when playing this same system in a fantasy setting. They will be used. It only takes a few seconds to grab the cards for your character - without having to take the MINUTES it takes to copy all of the stuff down on your sheet. That plus you have a picture to explain to some players what they actually have.

It only takes a few seconds to write this info on a character sheet..This all seems very board game-ish.

that's a bit condescending. the gear is step one. the planets and adversaries will save referencing the books. oh and what's wrong with board games? don't forget that FFG is a board game company that has refined it's production values to the point of excellence and then brought those values to this RPG.

Ok I think I will help out, so that I can get access to the cards as well. But looking at the checklist, I don't see point 3.

I will do: Brass Knuckles and Disruptor Pistol.

It only takes a few seconds to write this info on a character sheet..This all seems very board game-ish.

Assuming these are doled out as individual files and not ganged up in a PDF, I could see these getting some use with virtual tabletops (like MapTool and Roll20).

I am doing the combat knife and the ionising blaster. I will deliver them today.