The Dearth presents: Community Project to create Custom Cards for all Weapons, Armors, Gear, NPCs, Vehicles and Planets

By the_dearth, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Results so far:


I incorporated all planets from all the books (=Core Rulebook, Under A Black Sun, Beyond the Rim and Suns of Fortune).

To the file:

With the link you can find a zip file. I do not know what you would like to do with the cards, so I included all formats:

- all planets as single jpeg files a) with a print border (3mm) and b) without

- all planets as single pages as pdf a) with a print border (3mm) and b) without

- all planets on A4 or letter pages a) with print border (3mm) and b) without

- a backside if you get them printed

Have fun!

The Dearth

Original thread

Hi guys,
I am sure some of you have seen my custom cards template I made for Edge of the Empire. My goal with the cards was to have all the weapons, armor, gear, vehicles, npcs and planets as cards which I can print and use in my own game.
Unfortunately there are a lot of these in the core book and there is not a PDF from which I could copy the text and stats.
The solution is the project I like to start with the community:


Weapon name:

Hard Points:
Description from the book, shortened (max. 45 words):
Models Include:
Picture-Link (min 900 px wide, 600 px high):
License (if known):


Planet name:

Astrogation Data:
Orbital Metrics:
Population: Languages:
Major Terrain:
Major Cities:
Areas of Interest:
Major Exports:
Major Imports:
Trade Routes:
Special Conditions:
Picture-Link (min 900 px wide, 600 px high):
License (if known):


Hope you support that project!

The Dearth

Edited by thedearth2

Great idea – I've already made some cards for the convention game I'm running on Saturday. I'll take a look at your list here and see what I'd like to submit.

If we select two, do we state so here so you can mark them off your list?

Drawn pictures of weapons may be difficult to find. In my experience, most everything out there is simple line art, photographs of replicas, or digital renderings.

Yes, please write them here, I'll then update the list.

I know that it is not easy to find drawn pictures of weapons, I went through the same struggle. Knights of the Old Republic had some concept arts on SW weapons and you can find here and there some fan art. The arms and equipent guide from an older SW RPG has the line art in them which were also used in EotE.

I will take

Blaster Pistol

Light Blaster Pistol

Edit: TheDearth2, I know the images I sent were to small, just realized. I will send bigger ones tomorrow morning, already got them picked out and all set. My mistake!

Second Edit: Sent the corrected images, hope all is right with them :)

Edited by Conviction

I will take an object and a planet.

The lightsaber and Tatooine.

Slugthrower Rifle

Heavy Blaster Rifle


Ord Mantell



Hold out Blaster


I'll take two more with the Bowcaster and the Thermal Detonator.

I'd really like to help out, but the link doesn't work on my phone's browser. I'm on holiday, so can't check it on a PC for about a week. Could someone please PM me a list of the remaining items?

This is an amazing undertaking, and further clear evidence of the love and support that the RPG world is showing to this new, innovative iteration of Star Wars.

I whole-heartedly wish I could contribute in a meaningful way to this project, but I sadly cannot. I have almost no knowledge of how to do the...stuff you guys are doing on your 'puters. :(

To that end, I do hope that you as a community decide to share the fruits of your labours with us common folk, who can only play the game. I know that as a GM, these would certainly help my game.

Thank you in advance, and know that your efforts and benevolence will be appreciated...

I'd really like to help out, but the link doesn't work on my phone's browser. I'm on holiday, so can't check it on a PC for about a week. Could someone please PM me a list of the remaining items?

Just did, hope it helps.

Edit > Might aswell continue with Nal Hutta and Blaster Rifle.

Edit 2 > And Frag Grenade and Flame Projector.

Edit 3 > Will also do the Disruptor Rifle and Missile Tube.

Edited by Naglareph

Very impressed by the efforts you're all putting in. Sadly, however, I myself will only have time to leech off your great work when it is done, good luck.

I'll also do the Gaffi Stick and The Heavy Repeating Blaster.

I'll throw my hat into the ring and do the Shock Gloves and Vibro Sword.

Heavy Blaster Pistol and Slugthrower pistol for me please.

I will take three:

Fondor, Stun Grenade, Vibro Knife

Can anyone comment on the legality of this? Are we getting ourselves into any hot water with FFG? They are my fav gaming company, only my old Avalon Hill collection outnumbers my FFG collection, and I don't want to make the masters angry.

Right now only the supporters receive the cards. To be able to support the project you need to have the Core Rulebook. So the cards remain private and you only bring the information which you have already bought by picking up your copy of the rules in another shape.

The legal aspect could be better, but I am sure FFG will get in touch when problems arise.

What if you have no skills in photoshop? Hell I don't even own it. I have Gimp, but **** if I know how to use it.

I would like to help in any way so I can get a set, but without graphic artist skills I fear I and everyone who relates with me is going to be left out. I have a copy of the book, so that isn't an issue.

I'm a writer, not a graphics guy. I could do blurbs and information, but what I can do is the same as what is already being done. So how can I help so I can get a set of these masterful cards?

What if you have no skills in photoshop? Hell I don't even own it. I have Gimp, but **** if I know how to use it.

I would like to help in any way so I can get a set, but without graphic artist skills I fear I and everyone who relates with me is going to be left out. I have a copy of the book, so that isn't an issue.

Then use the paint from windows. To do what THEDEARTH2 asks does not require anything more then paint.

What if you have no skills in photoshop? Hell I don't even own it. I have Gimp, but **** if I know how to use it.

I would like to help in any way so I can get a set, but without graphic artist skills I fear I and everyone who relates with me is going to be left out. I have a copy of the book, so that isn't an issue.

Then use the paint from windows. To do what THEDEARTH2 asks does not require anything more then paint.

Yeah I tried that. It doesn't look good or right. Thank you for answering a question not addressed to you, however. 'preciate the sarcasm and condescending tone.

I'll wait for THEDEARTH2's answer.

Can anyone comment on the legality of this? Are we getting ourselves into any hot water with FFG? They are my fav gaming company, only my old Avalon Hill collection outnumbers my FFG collection, and I don't want to make the masters angry.

I will make it legal