I’ve been looking at non-human (inhuman?) antagonists for my Rogue Trader game, and particularly ones where talking your way out isn’t an option (curse the crew of the Blessed Eventide and their ability to solve 60% of plots by throwing a party or formal dinner, and another 20% by calling in contacts made or solidified at a previous party or formal dinner). Not wanting to descend into importing ‘Nids, and being bored with Orks, I looked into the bestiaries and source books of the 40K RPGs.
There’s three stand-outs, and I was wondering what the assemblage of the forum have done with them in the past.
The Rak’Gol are nasty blighters in a fight. Savage and brutal looters like Orks, but even more murderous. They’re also downright inscrutable in motivation, save for some manner of interest in or link to...
The Yu’Vath, dead (and possibly dreaming) sorcerous entities with a habit of creating or recreating construct entities and minions. Hunting through he ruins of their fallen empire is nothing compared to the threat that they might not be as dead as everyone thinks.
The Slaugth are another bucket of worms all together. Infiltrators and beast masters, encounters are far more likely to include tracking through an increasingly gribbly maze of deceit and cut-outs.
So, how have you used these in your games, or what plots have you hatched that have failed to materialise?