Could the Game of Thrones Board be used with the battle series?

By philly_dee, in Battles of Westeros

New to the series, any ideas about using the board game in a full Grand Campaign. If so any ideas on how it could be done .Also hoping they could release an expansion with the Wildlings in the North.....Any comments?...Thanks

I think Old Dwarf here used BoW to resolve some of the GoT battles... not so sure I remember correctly, but in case you could try dropping him a PM. Guess the game becomes consistently longer, though

Very cool idea, kind of like a more involved, tactical, "battle board" used in some other games (primarily Eagle Games) such as NiE and ACW.

I think it's a great idea for college students, and retirees, or other people who have 30+ hours to finish a single game of AGoT, but otherwise my opinion is, it is completely impractical.

A tad late, but I use BoW to resolve Raids in Storm of Swords.It does extend Game time massively.Basically

we use a Game Table for Storm of Swords & when we go for a Raid we set that up on another.

Obviously we are able to leave things set up but it's a time killer.