Brawler weapon options, which is best?

By rwmwaffle, in Only War

So a brawler can choose between:

1)Best quality Great Weapon

2)Good quality Chainsword

3)Common quality Power Maul

Assuming the Great Weapon has the Mono upgrade; which do you think is the best option for a melee character? The great weapon is 2d10+1 P2, Unbalanced but adds +10 to hit. The Chainsword is 1d10+2 P2 Tearing, Balanced with +5 to hit. The Power Maul (on high) is 1d10+5 P4 Power Field, Shocking and possibly Concussive(0).

I just cant decide, please someone help me. Is 2d10 damage worth not being able to Lightning Attack and being -10 to parry? Is having two chances to stun per hit (power maul used two handed) better then rolling three damage dice and picking the highest (chainsword with the chain weapon expertise talent)?

I would generally say the chainsword. It's the least lethal, but most melee opponents a guardsman will face are unlikely to drop in a single blow, and many are scarier than they are. This means that parrying is important because you won't take your foe down in one go, so they will get to attack. Guardsmen are not, as a whole, very tough.

All right, dominate troopers may go down to a great weapon blow, but they tend to turn up mob-handed and you've still only killed one of them, so I see the point as still standing.

A +15 on your parry skill can save your neck. Besides which, a good quality chainsword is still no slouch at chopping up ork.

Of course, you can take the great weapon and rely on Dodge, but parrying with a sword is better protection than dodging for the same weaponskill, and you'll be wanting to pump your WS up as much as possible anyway.

What about chainsword and shield?

You can use the shld to parry (+15 compared to a chainsword's +10) and it grants some bonus armor to the body and one arm. Also, going by the RAW for obtaining items, I think it's fairly easy to get higher quality shields.

What about chainsword and shield?

You can use the shld to parry (+15 compared to a chainsword's +10) and it grants some bonus armor to the body and one arm. Also, going by the RAW for obtaining items, I think it's fairly easy to get higher quality shields.

If you're going to use a shield to parry, might as well get a power maul in there with it.