Hero's 2nd actions...

By maikeru, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


Would like to ask the following situations (heroes turn)...

1. 1st action, attack adjacent monster, 2nd action, rest. (its kinda funny or illogical)

its legal action right?

2. 1st action, attack adjacent monster, 2nd action, revive adjacent hero

(first he attacks then revives a hero? wow!)

still legal? yes?

3. 1st action, revive adjacent hero. 2nd action, revive another adjacent hero

(now its really getting fast bringing heroes back)

legal right?

Would like your thoughts on this...

thanks! :D

All the situations you described are absolutely plausible.

If you consider actions as spending time on something, taking time to rest and regain some stamina is fairly logical.

All of those options are legal.

I'm not sure what you find so illogical about any of them. Resting doesn't mean the hero goes to sleep or otherwise lets his guard down. He's just relaxing and taking a minute to catch his breath. He can do that while keeping an eye on the adjacent monster(s).

As for reviving, the rules are a bit abstract regarding exactly what the reviving process entails, but considering anyone can apparently do it, I don't think it's a terribly complicated or strenuous procedure. If you take the term "knocked out" literally, it could be as simple as slapping his unconscious friend on the cheek a couple of times.

Edited by Steve-O