There is still a large portion of our community that plans on playing this game using older formats that are no longer supported and sanctioned by FFG. My meta and I are a part of that community, as are the guys doing the whole Vintage GoT site. Yet, I've never liked the idea of rehashing the Magic terminology for this game. Thrones has its own identity, and should have its own names. So here is what I've come up with:
Conqueror Format: This format allows cards from all sets. There would be banned and limited lists to reduce the power of certain cards in the format. Unlike the current Legacy format, this is not Highlander.
Usurper Format: This format would allow cards from Valyrian Edition to the present (basically, anything that involves the Influence mechanic). Again, there would be banned and limited lists.
Chronicle or Kingmaker format: This is the format formerly known as standard. I like both names, though Kingmaker doesn't quite fit so much for Dany or Myrcella or Cersei. This format would mostly be simply the new card format to present (ITE on up). Rotation, since it is not supported by FFG, would be on a meta-by-meta basis. Our meta may not rotate out ITe next fall, for example.
So, am I nuts, obsessive, or just beating a dead horse?