Adjudicating Advantages and Threats

By arunwe2012, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Hi all,

Just acquired the beginner box as a first step to approach this new "iteration" of Star Wars RPG. Planning to run two or three adventures before moving to the main core rulebook. I am currently trying to understand rules and not having main issues here, except for advantages and threats. Beginner rulebook shows examples for this related to combat, but none for outside combat. Am i missing anything, or the GM and players have to come up with their own ideas for this? (i.e., improvising)

Main core rulebook does show specific examples for advantage and threar per skill, that's why I am asking this.


The short answer is "yes," you do mostly come up with your own ideas for the use of advantage and threat. I find that having the players come up with their own "effect" ideas, which I can modify or scale slightly to make more appropriate really gets them engaged in the game.

You can do this in combat too - there's no reason not to depart from the RAW effects if they add to the story or are cinematic.

Have fun with it!

Thanks for that reference. I ran the beginners game last night and we started to have trouble coming up with ideas for the dice.

that was the same trouble I had when we played the begginer game the first time. Im planning one more begginer game next week with a group of 4 players, after that we will move on to the Core book