Wounds and Damage

By Erdrix, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

I am going to be running Dark Heresy this weekend and I am trying to wrap my head around the wounds system. I'll explain the way I think I understand and if someone could correct me it would be most appreciative.

You can take up to your wound score before anything happens.

Once your wounds score is reached you can then take up to twice your Toughness Bonus and be just lightly wounded. Do you start referencing the Critical Effects charts at this point?

Heavily Wounded is when you start taking damage above twice your Toughness Bonus.

So when are you considered Critically Wounded?

Until you take more damage than you have Wound you're doing OK.

Once damage exceeds Wounds you start referencing the critical charts.

Read first paragraph of page 200.

Light/heavy injury is mostly relevant for healing. Light is up to twice your TB, Heavy is anything above that.

System doesn't make much sense IMO, but that's the RAW for you.

To speed up the game it is advised that you only use the critical charts on PCs and not on NPCs (unless for flavor on a particularly good enemy) otherwise you run the risk of everyone getting bored whilst you are trying to work out which limb gets blown of a common enemy for the 10th time this session.

Use your discretion is what I am trying to say.

Thanks guys, I wasn't sure if I was understanding that right.

Be aware that using the charts only for PCs and not NPCs will make several Talents useless.

Admittedly I GM PbP so I don't have time issues and can deep detailed records on everything.

Edited by bogi_khaosa