Original d6 material

By Balou1917, in General Discussion

I was poking around on the web for a Sabaas deck. I recall a d6 adventure (Crisis on Cloud City) that had a deck in the module. I ran across this site that had scans of ....well everything but the sabaac deck I was looking for.


I also found this site:


I did find the deck here, although it needs to be printed and attached to cards...


Does anyone know if anyone makes sabaac decks?

I am afraid that I know of no one who is doing this, however, I just wanted to say thanks for the links!

A few were printed by one of the fan clubs as give-away prizes and membership bonuses. They occasionally come up for sale secondhand.

Doesn't Sabaac have an electronic/computerized component that we can't replicate at this time? I seem to remember cards changing values in the game.

Doesn't Sabaac have an electronic/computerized component that we can't replicate at this time? I seem to remember cards changing values in the game.

Handled by rolling a die for forced redraws.