Does anyone have any home made adventures they want to post?

By SuperKalelJorson7, in Grimm RPG

The thread title covers it really. I was just hoping that a few people had some scenarios prepared (playtested or not) that they could share.

I’ve scoured the net and haven’t found a thing!

I just got the game myself, and am already making notes for my first adventure (as I read the rules) and have a fairly good outline. I “plan” on running my first game (probably a 1 or 2 session one-shot) in 2 weeks to the day. If things go well I may post the adventure online (as I have a tendency to do). If things go VERY well, perhaps I’ll submit it to FFG, and maybe they will see fit to make it presentable for a download…so there is SOMETHING for new players to grab hold of for a quick start.

This is one of the more entertaining RPG reads I’ve had in some time, but, what the game really lacks is an introductory scenario, either in the book or as a free download on this site. Personally, I like running my own stuff…but, it’s always nice to have a bit of insight to exactly how the creator(s) intended the game to play out and what type of format adventures are presented in.

Worse yet is a lot of GMs these days seem to tend toward being a bit, “lazy”, and only play games that have a bunch of prewritten adventures. I don’t know if they lack the creativity, time, or have just become spoiled…but a lot of people view a RPG with no support (a game that stands alone and doesn’t need a monthly supplement) as dead in the water.

Times have changed, that’s for sure…perhaps the “economic situation” will make stand alone games more popular again, and force GMs to tap their own creativity again. The benefit of this is that we now have the internet, so, when it happens we can all share, and everyone wins!

thats interesting my experience tells me the opposite about most GM's. Modules tended to be popular years ago but in my gaming experience Gm's have actually become more creative. also if you are having trouble coming up w/ideas for an adventure I highly recommend using a card game called "once upon a time"

One of my plans for a game is to have the children traveling all over the Checkerboard Kingdom to unite the many factions that oppose the Rotten King. I would like to make it a branching adventure in which the choices of the group affect the outcome. For example, one kingdom will agree to join the fight only if the dragon within their borders is defeated or captured. If you simply defeat him, that's that. But if you are able to capture the dragon(he will have to be below half of his max health and be distracted by one or more characters while another throws a magic net provided by the kingdom on him) the people of that kingdom will be able to train him to serve them. In the final battle against the Rotten King, the dragon will come in very handy.

So there's one idea.

RhinoBarbarian said:

So there's one idea.

Ideas are a dime a dozen. I think the OP is talking about a fully fleshed out adventure ready to run as is.